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The threat of having your phone hacked has become a common and rational fear.
The hard truth is that it is now possible to hack any phone remotely by just in few clicks....
🔸But How...?
🔸Let's see,

🔸Some sends you an email or message on Whatsapp or Telegram with a malicious application attached.
And you download and install it thinking it will be entertaining.
- ✔️Hacker can also send you image, audio, video, gif with binded payloads into it.
- ✔️when you download it and open it, a shell start running in background and even you don't know about it.
How To Konw If someone Is Hacking your Phone ?
- 🔸Your phone loses charging Quickly.
- 🔸Your phone runs abnormally slowly.
- 🔸you Notice strange activity on your other online account.
- 🔸You notice unfamiliar or Texts in your logs.
- 🔸Stranger or Inapproprite pop UPS.
- 🔸Higher than normal data usage.
What I do If my Phone is HACKED ?
- ✔️Delete Suspicious Apps.
- ✔️Run Anti-Malware Softwares.
- ✔️change Password of all Acconunts.
- ✔️Tell Contacts to ignore Suspicios Messages.
- ✔️Show it to Computer Expert.
- 1️⃣ Don't download suspicious or unreputable Apps.
- Look at review and research before installing if you unsure. If you're not confident in safety of app, do not install it.
- 2️⃣ Don't jailbreak your phone
- While it allows you to download from unofficial app stores, jailbreaking ups your risk of unknowingly getting hacked.
- 3️⃣ Always use a passcode lock.
- Do not use easily gussable Pins, like birthdays, graduation dates & otheres.
- 4️⃣ Don't store passwords on your device.
- Remembering uniqe passwords for every account can be difficult. So use a secure password manager instead
- 5️⃣ Keep your phone with you at all times.
- Physical access is the easiest way for a hacker to corrupt your phone.
- 6️⃣ Frequently clear your internet history.
- It can be simple to profile trends about your life from all the braedcrumbs of your browser history.
- 7️⃣ Don't use public wi-fi !
- Public wi-fi are risky and various attacks can be performed like MITM, Network sniffing etc.
- 8️⃣ Always enable two-factor authentication (2FA)
- This is a second varification method that follows an attempt to use your password.