If you're accused of the DUI offense choosing a reputable criminal defense lawyer is among the most important choices you can make to guarantee an effective defense. Finding a trustworthy DUI defense lawyer in your area can be a challenge.
If you're within Oakland, California, it'd be helpful to locate an attorney who is familiar with the laws of the state regarding impaired driving and knows how to build an effective defense, and is able to assist you in this challenging circumstance.
Because California's DUI laws are becoming more complex, and a conviction can result in life-altering consequences so make the hiring of an expert DUI lawyer your top priority. In this article we'll guide you through the basics of how to find the top DUI attorney that is located in Oakland, California. Stay tuned as we dive into the details!
The Nature of DUI Offenses within Oakland, California
California is home to one of the most strict impaired driving (DUI) laws in the United States. The first offense (without injury to the body) is punishable by an estimated $2,000 fine or 48 hours in jail as well as a lengthy suspension of your license and the an drinking education class.
If you're charged for subsequent DUI in the next 10 years, you could get up to 16 years in state prison, 18,000 in penalties and fines as well as a 30 month alcohol rehabilitation program.
Being aware of the law won't just help you avoid getting the crime of a DUI and avoid being arrested, but it can help you plan the next steps should you've already been taken into custody. This is why you should hire an DUI lawyer in California should you're in these situations.
Important Tips to Take into Account When Choosing the Best DUI Attorney for Oakland, California
Many people who have been facing the DUI situation have been often asked questions like "how do I locate criminal law lawyers near me? or how do I gain access to affordable criminal lawyers close to me?" Well, there are a few things you have to take into consideration if you're facing this type of situation.
If you are looking for the top DUI attorney for your case in Oakland, California for your legal case, remember these tips in your mind:
1. Talk to Others
If you are looking for a reputable DUI lawyer in California the initial step should be to inquire about. Do you know relatives, friends or colleagues who used the services of a DUI lawyer? If so contact them.
Ask about their experiences working with the particular lawyer. You're likely to find that you haven't met anyone who has ever been accused of the crime of DUI. If that's the case seek out a lawyer with whom you've previously worked on separate case.
Ask the lawyer for the availability of nearby DUI lawyers. You will be able to get inside information about the DUI attorney's expertise by speaking with a lawyer. They may even be part of an attorney firm with the help of DUI lawyers who are ready to pursue your case.
2. Look for Ample Experience
If you're in search of an DUI defense lawyer be sure to choose one that is specialized on DUI cases. Do not choose a lawyer from a random list. They may not have the skills and knowledge you require.
After you've made an attorney list you can contact, ask about their expertise in handling DUI cases. A lawyer with a lot of experience will have a current understanding of the laws governing DUI and procedures that will assist you with your case.
3. Study their previous success
Make sure to check the past the records of the candidates. What has happened in the latest cases? Find out as much that you possibly can regarding their recent cases. Be sure to choose an attorney with a track-record that is in line with your goals.
If you're charged with DUI and are found guilty, you could face various immediate and long-term consequences. The driver's license can be suspended. This means that you'll need to choose a different method of transport. It's possible that you'll not be able to drive for more than two years.
It's sometimes difficult to get around, get back to the office, or even see your family and friends. In the event of that you'll need the assistance of someone else. You may even be in the possibility of jail time, particularly when someone dies as the consequence from your conduct. In this regard you'll need to pick a reliable DUI attorney with an impressive track record of accomplishment.
4. Read Client Reviews
Make sure to talk with their former clients to make sure you're choosing an experienced DUI attorney. The first step is to search for feedback through the Internet. If you are unable to find reviews online, notify the lawyer you're interested in interviewing former clients.
Try to reach out to three or four references. Find out about their experiences with the attorney they chose. Talking to someone who has direct experiences with the lawyer can ensure your assurance prior to making a choice.
5. Think about the Law Firm
Before you make contact with an DUI legal professional located in Oakland, California, think about what size the company they are part of. A law firm with a larger size will be more likely to offer the assistance you need. They'll have more resources and time to put into your case too.
Certain lawyers have positive working relationship with police and prosecutors involved with your matter. In turn, you'll be able avoid discrimination and lack of professionalism when your case progresses.
6. Contact us for a free consultation
Consult with a consultant once you've narrowed the list to around two or three lawyers. The majority of lawyers will offer you an initial consultation for 30 minutes to have a personal meeting with them. If you have unanswered questions, don't be afraid to inquire. After that, based on your faith in the expert, take a decision.
Last Words
Here you go! These are the most basic methods to locate the top DUI attorney located in Oakland, California. By following these guidelines you'll never have to tackle your DUI matter on your own. Instead, make use of them to get the best defense lawyer near you, with a focus on DUI cases. They will fight for your rights. This way, you can have a chance to win the case.