Beware Of These Sexually Transmitted Diseases if You Want To Survive

Just as the pleasure of intercourse satisfies a woman, it arouses a new frenzy in a man. Beware of these sexually transmitted diseases if you want to survive

If 'sex' is not safe, the consequences can be bad to very bad. It can even lead to death. If there is no safe sex, not only unwanted pregnancy can occur, but also the possibility of suffering from multiple sexually transmitted diseases is very high.

>>> This type of sexually transmitted disease is called a sexually transmitted disease or STD. The chance of this type of disease increases mainly due to the presence of bacteria or viruses present in your partner's saliva, blood, and genital fluids.

That is why it is very important to use condoms, have sex with one partner instead of multiple partners, get yourself and your partner tested for STDs at regular intervals, etc.

So let's see which 7 types of sexually transmitted diseases we should be wary of and what are the symptoms of these diseases.

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1. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria . The symptoms of this disease are excruciating pain in the lower abdomen, pain during urination, constant discharge from the genital area, pain during intercourse, etc.

2. Gonorrhea

It also (gonorrhea) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a type of bacteria . which affects the genitals, mouth, eyes, throat and intestines. Symptoms include painful bowels, vaginal bleeding , burning and pain during urination   . Women's period problems etc.

3. Genital herpes

'Genital herpes' is a disease that spreads very quickly. Genital herpes is a contagious disease. 'The symptoms of this disease are, red spots on the buttocks filled with eczema'. Multiple red spots appear on the genitals, burning, itching and infection of the genitals.

4. Genital warts

'Basically, this sexually transmitted disease is especially prevalent in women due to viruses . But councilors can also get this disease. In girls, the infection can 'progress to cervical cancer'. Mainly due to this, symptoms like swelling of the genitals, profuse vaginal discharge, bleeding during intercourse, discomfort during intercourse etc. are seen.

5. Hepatitis

People may think hepatitis is a liver disease, 'it is not a venereal disease'. But actually it is a sexually transmitted disease . This disease is contagious in some cases but not in all cases. Symptoms of this disease include extreme fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, fever, joint pain and skin allergies.

6. Syphilis

The bacterial effect causes a 'venereal disease' called syphilis . This disease affects the genitals, skin and mucus-producing glands. Its symptoms include dark spots on the skin, allergies, gradual insomnia, enlarged lymph nodes. In cases of overdose of this disease, the patient may become blind , or the body may be partially paralyzed.

7. HIV and AIDS

'The latest and most dreaded sexually transmitted disease is HIV/AIDS'. "There is no cure for this disease." This disease can lead to death. 'Symptoms include fatigue, chills, fever, eventually stomach upset, headache, infection, reduced immunity', etc.

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