Headache Is A Symptom of Any Disease

Headache is a common and bothersome problem among people. Sometimes the pain is felt all over the head or in a specific part of the head which often becomes a big hindrance in our daily activities.

But many people may not know that there are different types of headaches and their specific causes. The most common causes of headaches are migraines, anxiety and cluster headaches. Headaches can also be caused by illness, injury or any other physical problem. Our slogan in today's post on health is healthy living is what we all want. Read the post with full attention and know the symptoms of headache in detail.

Today we will discuss the causes of headaches. If the causes are known, it is possible to get rid of it easily by changing the right treatment, habits and food.

Causes of headache

Headache is a known health problem. Sometimes we don't care about it. Some headaches can be a symptom of a complex disease. Failure to pay attention can cause serious danger.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly half of the world's adults experience a headache at least once a year. There is no reason to worry about it. More than 90% of headaches are benign.

There are more than 200 types of headache, most of which are harmless, but some are serious and life-threatening headache disorders.

Headache is a symptom of various head diseases

There are various head diseases like migraine, tumor cyst etc. So if you have headache then get rid of the cause of your headache without delay. Although many headaches have no known cause, headaches can be symptoms of a variety of illnesses. These diseases mentioned above are also some people whose symptom is headache.

Let me start with the 10 most common causes of headaches 

Headache due to allergies

Allergies are usually the main cause of headaches. Allergies block the nervous system, resulting in headaches due to excess pressure on the brain. In this case, antihistamines can be taken as per the doctor's advice.

Sinusitis headache

Sinusitis headaches are usually felt across the forehead, around the eyes, and in the cheeks. It can be cured with antibiotics and sprays.

Alarm headache

In moments of great stress, we may experience pain in the forehead. In medical terms it is called 'alarm'. It can also be caused by tension or emotional distress. The main condition to get rid of such headaches is to learn to cope with stress. Works well against 'Breathing Exercise'. This type of pain can also be relieved by adequate sleep.

Cluster headaches

It is a huge headache. This type of headache is rare. Cluster headaches are excruciating pains usually felt around the eyes. This can cause watery eyes or discomfort with a runny nose. This type of headache affects both men and women. Although doctors are still unable to determine the exact cause, they say it is usually due to the effects of alcohol and smoking.

It can be cured with proper treatment. This pain can usually last from one week to three months. This pain usually lasts from 15 minutes to 3 hours. May be 1 to 2 times a day. This can be for days to weeks at a time. After that it can be months to years.

Effects of caffeine on headaches

If you have a habit of drinking a lot of coffee, if you don't drink coffee on time, you feel a kind of headache. If such a situation occurs, coffee should be stopped gradually. Because the caffeine in coffee is actually an addictive substance.

Headache is a symptom of migraine

It is actually a type of genetic disease. Although the name Migraine sounds a little strange, it is actually a headache. So a headache can be a migraine. If it's a migraine, the pain may gradually spread throughout your head and become severe. These pains are different for each person, meaning the pain is also different for each person. Migraines can have certain trigger factors. For example, one cannot tolerate light and one cannot tolerate sound or smell. In this case, you can assume that you have a migraine problem. So be careful.

If a family member has migraines, it can be passed down to the next generation. In this case severe pain is felt on any side of the head. Migraine pain can usually last from 4 to 72 hours. If so, the affected person may experience nausea or vomiting and discomfort at light and sound. It is possible to get rid of it by taking the right medicine.

Stress headache

Stress headache is a common disorder. This pain is usually felt all over the head, on the sides of the forehead and down the neck. This type of headache is felt due to excessive stress on the muscles, excessive physical and mental exertion. It can be alleviated by avoiding excess stress and getting moderate rest.

TMJ headache

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a severe headache symptom. This type of headache is felt due to the contraction of the muscles of the forehead and jaw. This pain can be relieved by moderate rest.

indigestion headache

Indigestion can also cause headaches. Many times it is due to the effect of the food consumed. Conversely, hunger also causes headaches. Besides, food allergies can also cause such headaches. If such symptoms occur frequently, the diet should be changed.

Giant cell arthritis headache

A headache caused by inflammation of the lining of the arteries is known as 'giant cell arthritis'. If not treated in time, vision can be reduced. It also increases the risk of stroke. In such a situation, one should go to the doctor without delay.

Headache is a symptom of eye disease

Eyes are our precious resource. So eye care is very important. But if there is some eye disease it gives headache. From this we understand that we have eye problems. Many times red eyes, watery eyes etc. are caused by headache. So if eye and headache complications occur, consult a doctor quickly and get proper treatment.

Headache is a symptom of sinus disease

Sinuses are small air spaces inside the head. These vents usually have small spaces. But due to various reasons there is additional infection which creates internal problems and severe pain is felt in the armpits. This headache can be accompanied by thunder, swelling of the face, pain in the ears. So sinus can treat headache. But you cannot do anything without the advice of the doctor who is treating you.

Headaches are a symptom of tension headaches

If you suffer from tension headaches, you will experience a sharp pain just above the neck. In this disease the forehead is hard and the throat is also hard. These two features are one of the symptoms of this disease. Sometimes tension headaches start again from the forehead and eventually the problem also starts in the eyes. So every person should be aware enough about this. If you can reduce the stress of daily life, the chances of headache will decrease a lot.

Any headache is dangerous and what to do

Common Primary Headaches are:

Tension type headache
A tension-type headache (TTH) is usually a mild to moderate pain that is often described as feeling like a tight band around the head.

A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache that is felt as a throbbing pain on 1 side of the head. Many also have symptoms such as feeling sick, being sick, and increased sensitivity to light or sound.

Cluster headache ,
this painful headache causes severe pain on one side of the head and occurs frequently called cluster periods.

Chronic daily headache

A chronic daily headache lasting at least 15 days per month is called chronic daily headache (CDH).

Some other Primary Headaches which are very rare are:

Primary stabbing headache
(PSH) is a short-lived but troublesome headache disorder,

Primary sex headache
is a rare headache associated with sexual activity

Primary cough
headache and secondary cough headache. Primary cough headaches are usually harmless, caused only by coughing, and get better quickly without treatment.

Primary exertional headache,
what is an exertional headache? An exertional headache (also known as an exercise headache) involves pain during or immediately after physical activity.

Primary headache – These can be annoying daily headache problems but they are not life threatening headaches.

Secondary Headache- Headache is also caused due to head or neck diseases. For example, if there is an infection, head injury, brain hemorrhage or brain tumor etc.

Some secondary headaches are not serious. For example-

Medicine overuse headache
Medication overuse headache or rebound headache is caused by regular, long-term use of medication to treat headaches, such as migraines.

cervicogenic headache.
Cervicogenic headache (CGH) is pain that radiates from a specific source in the neck to the head.

The causes of serious headache of secondary headache are:


Meningitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the protective membrane covering the brain and spinal cord, collectively called the meninges.

Intracranial hemorrhage,
brain hemorrhage, hemorrhage – bleeding between the brain tissue and the skull or within the brain tissue – which can damage the brain and be fatal.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage,
intracranial hemorrhage is a serious medical emergency because blood pooling within the skull can increase intracranial pressure, which can crush delicate brain tissue or limit blood supply.

Brain tumor A brain
tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain. There are different types of brain tumors. Some brain tumors are non-cancerous (benign) and some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant).

Temporal arteritis
Temporal arteritis is also called giant cell arteritis or Horton's arteritis. It is a form of vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels). This condition usually affects people over the age of 50.

Acute close angle glaucoma (eye pressure)
Acute angle-closure glaucoma presents as sudden, severe unilateral eye pain or blurred vision associated with headache, rainbow-colored halo around bright lights, nausea, and vomiting.

Postictal headache
Postictal headache (PIH) is defined by the International Classification of Headache Disorders as “headache with features of tension-type headache or, in the case of migraineurs, migraine headache, which develops within 3 hours after a partial or generalized seizure. And in between it gets resolved.

our talk

In today's article we have discussed the symptoms of headache as per doctor's advice. Headaches are actually related to many diseases. It is difficult to say exactly how much headache will be felt for any disease but we have tried to highlight it as much as possible. But if you have a headache for a long time, you should consult a good doctor without delay. If you find out what exactly is causing your headache, you can easily recover by applying the right medicine. Goodbye to everyone today.

What causes headaches?

There are 10 causes of headache, these are- 1. Headache due to allergy, 2. Alarm headache, 3. Cluster headache, 4. Effects of caffeine on headache, 5. Headaches There are more than 200 types of headaches, including 5 main causes of migraine.

Is headache a sign of pregnancy?

Dizziness and headaches are a symptom of pregnancy. Headaches can be experienced early in pregnancy. This is caused by increased blood circulation and hormone levels in the early stages of pregnancy. During this time you may experience severe headache as well as fatigue.

What is the way to eliminate headache?

If you have a sudden headache, take a piece of ginger and start chewing it. It will relieve headache quickly. Apart from this, you can boil a cup of water and add a little ginger to it and drink ginger tea with a little honey. It will also get relief from headache quickly.

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