Know Early Warning To Prevent Heart Attack

We used to think of heart disease as a disease of old age . But nowadays people of almost all age groups are at risk of heart attack.

Family history and genetic traits are considered major and uncontrollable causes of heart disease. But most of the time people have more heart attacks these days due to controllable causes.

These include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, stress and being overweight. Today, our lifestyle has emerged as the biggest risk factor for heart disease. .

The theme of World Heart Day 2014 is to create a healthy heart environment for all everywhere by ensuring that people have the opportunity to have a healthy heart everywhere in daily life, work and sports.

Heart disease has long been considered a male disease. This is because many previous studies have shown that women have a hormone called estrogen that naturally prevents heart disease. But now that people's lifestyles have completely changed, both men and women are at equal risk for heart disease.

Here are some early warning tips to prevent heart attacks.


 Identify the symptoms and seek medical advice early

1. 'One of the most common symptoms of a heart attack' is a sharp pain in the middle of the left chest. This pain can numb the entire left side of the body. It can especially affect the left arm and back and between the two chests. The pain also radiates into the chin and may affect the jaw. .

2. After a 'heart attack' the body will sweat profusely. As the sensory nervous system becomes over-inflamed, the body sweats profusely.  Also, 'with the onset of chest pain, several hormones are released from the body that increase blood pressure and heart rate'. Due to this, a lot of sweat comes out from the body. .

3. And the most common symptoms of a heart attack in diabetics are severe sweating, dizziness, and short-term loss of consciousness, rather than chest pain. .

4. Shortness of breath,

Drowsiness and loss of consciousness 'are some common symptoms of a heart attack'. These symptoms are caused by blockages in the coronary veins and obstruction of the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle.

5. Upper abdominal discomfort and heartburn are precursors of heart disease.  These symptoms are often mistaken for acidity and general inflammation of the heart.
6. Experiencing severe nausea is also an insidious symptom of a heart attack. But it is often mistaken for gastric and indigestion problems.

7. Some of the 'other early symptoms of a heart attack' are unexplained fatigue, pallor, palpitations and anxiety.

What are the immediate actions in case of a heart attack?

1. If someone has a 'heart attack', call the doctor first as an emergency.

2. Immediately after a heart attack, spread the patient's arms and legs on a firm surface and loosen the clothing. And if possible, undress

3. Open all airways. Then help the patient take deep breaths.

4. After a heart attack, it is easy to understand if you check one side of the neck without feeling the pulse at the wrist. A wrist pulse will not be detected 'after a heart attack' due to low blood pressure.

5. If the patient stops breathing after a 'heart attack', try artificial oxygen.

6. If the patient is vomiting after a heart attack, turn him to one side. So that he can vomit easily. It will protect the patient from vomit entering organs like lungs.

7. Elevate or raise both legs of the person having a heart attack to increase blood supply to the heart.

8. Conventional drugs to increase blood supply to the heart may also be given to the patient immediately after a heart attack.

9. Apply CPR therapy if the patient is unconscious due to a heart attack. The American Heart Association recently released a simplified video version of this therapy called Hands Only CPR.

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