Know Some Secret Or Sexual Problems Of Boys And Their Reasons

'In every aspect of human life there are problems as well as solutions'. People have different 'sexual problems in their sex lives' and there are solutions to those sexual problems. Every human being is born with youth. At a certain point in the life of each of these people comes youth. It is the most precious time of human life. A great change takes place in the body and mind of men and women during this time. At the same time women and men have to face different types of sexual problems. Which disrupts their normal life.

Know some secret or sexual problems of boys and their reasons

'Sexual problems mean a lot'. Problems in intercourse' , 'sexually transmitted diseases', 'problems conceiving' etc. can all be thrown under sexual problems. This post discusses the types of sexual problems in boys that can hinder healthy sex and sexual satisfaction.

About sexual problems in boys:

  • The first thing that comes to mind when talking about sexual problems in boys is premature ejaculation. About one third of the world's men suffer from sexually transmitted diseases at some point in their lives. But 'premature fall can be avoided by taking the right measures at the right time'.
  • Unlike premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation is a sexual problem. 'There is a long delay in ejaculation' which is inconvenient for both. This problem can also be due to lack of attraction to a partner, sexual dysfunction due to religious or other reasons, nerve damage, side effects of certain drugs. Once the exact cause is identified, this sexual problem (delayed ejaculation) is not a matter of avoiding.
  • Another serious cause of sexual dysfunction is retrograde ejaculation. In this case, the semen enters the bladder during ejaculation instead of coming out through the urethra. As a result, even when you have an orgasm during 'masturbation' or intercourse, semen does not come out. This type of sexual problem occurs when the bladder sphincter muscles do not work properly. A possible cause of male infertility is retrograde ejaculation. Depending on the cause, the problem is treated with medication or surgery.
  • Another important 'sexual problem' for boys is flagellation or impotence. In this disease the penis is not aroused or becomes loose even for a short period of time. About 40 percent of men experience this sexual problem at some point in their lives. The modern name of this disease is erectile dysfunction (ED).
  • This problem can be due to various physical or mental reasons. Physical causes are mainly heart disease, diabetes, hormonal problems, neurological impairment, other age related ailments, smoking, drug 'side effects', genital injuries etc. One of the psychological causes is anxiety, mental illness, thoughts of not being able to bond with love etc. However, ED can be cured with proper treatment.
  • For example, Viagra is effective. Also, regular physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise, is particularly beneficial. However, if it seems that there is a problem with erectile dysfunction then a good urologist or sexologist should be consulted immediately. He will properly examine whether the cause of the breakdown is physical or mental and treat accordingly.
  • Another problem with erectile dysfunction is loss of libido in men. This problem is mainly caused by low levels of testosterone hormone in the body. However, many times, depression, anxiety, diabetes, abnormal blood pressure, etc. can also reduce sexual desire. ' A doctor (sexologist) should be consulted for treatment'. However, it has been found that physical activity or exercise is more likely to increase sexual desire.

Besides, various 'sexually transmitted' diseases in men like HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis etc. cause sexual complications. But the metal disease advertised in newspapers or in train-buses is completely fictitious. Urinary incontinence is also not a venereal disease, it is a kidney and urinary tract problem for which a nephrologist should be consulted.

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Know 10 symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases

1. Chlamydia

Abnormal discharge from the vagina and penis is a symptom of this disease. On an average, this disease occurs in 50 percent of men and 70 percent of women. With prompt treatment, recovery is possible. Chlamydia can easily cause other sexually transmitted diseases.

2. Gonorrhea

Chlamydia and gonorrhea often occur simultaneously. Abnormal discharge from the vagina or penis, pain during urination etc. are symptoms of this disease. If not treated, this disease spreads throughout the body.

3. Genital herpes

80 percent of people who have genital herpes do not know that their body is actually infected with a special virus. Unknowingly, they infect the body of their partner or partner with this virus. A rash like small blisters on the genitals is a symptom of this disease. Several hours before the blisters, itching is felt in the genital area. These rashes come out again and again after a certain period of time.

4. Syphilis

People have been affected by this disease since ancient times. Recently, this disease can be easily cured if caught at the right time. But when the disease progresses, it is excruciatingly painful. Ulcers occur in the genitals, anus and mouth, and even the eyes and brain are affected. It is one of the most deadly diseases among venereal diseases. However, the symptoms of this disease in the initial stage are not detected quickly in the body.

5. Genital warts

A wart-like rash around the genitals and anus is a sexually transmitted disease. Many warts appear together. Human papillomavirus, which causes cervical cancer and is spread from one body to another through sexual contact, causes the disease. Sometimes these warts are like blisters and sometimes they can turn into ulcers.

6. Hepatitis B

Many may not know, this disease is also spread as a result of sexual intercourse. Hepatitis A and Hepatitis C can also be spread, but their numbers are very low. Liver related complications, change in color of urine, nausea etc. can be symptoms of this disease.

7. HIV

HIV virus is not fatal but the main symptom of this disease is the collapse of the body's immune system. So, if this virus is present in the body, any other serious disease becomes deadly.

8. Lice in the pubic hair

Like head hair, lice can nest in genital hair and are transmitted during sexual intercourse. Itching around the genital area may be due to this.

9. Trichomoniasis

Abnormal discharge from the genitals, pain in the genitals during intercourse and pain during urination are symptoms of this disease, although with proper treatment it is possible to recover quickly.

10. Bacterial vaginosis

Foul-smelling vaginal discharge is a symptom of this disease. This disease is easily cured as compared to other diseases.

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