Symptoms Of Being Pregnant

Women usually go through many physical changes after marriage. Besides, girls do not understand many things in new situations. As a result, they face many problems. And for the sake of safety, the first three months of pregnancy should be very careful. So knowing when women are pregnant is good for both mother and baby. And there are no specific symptoms in the first week of pregnancy. 

During the first 1 month of pregnancy, mothers usually do not realize whether they are pregnant or not. The first symptom that expectant mothers notice is a missed period. It should be noted that the beginning of a pregnant woman's pregnancy is considered from the first day of her last menstrual period. Again, it has been observed that many women have conceived despite not having missed periods

Most married women consider it a sign of pregnancy if there is no period in any month. But a missed period is not the only sign of pregnancy. It has been observed that many women have conceived despite not having missed periods. Apart from periods, there are various physiological events that indicate pregnancy. But most women are not aware of this. Know that apart from period, you can be sure about pregnancy by seeing any other changes in the body.

What are the signs of pregnancy?

Let's find out what are the signs of pregnancy?

Morning sickness – nausea

Vomiting at any time of the day, especially after waking up in the morning, can be a sign of pregnancy. It occurs after 30 days of conception. At this time, the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones increase. These ingredients are responsible for morning sickness and vomiting.

Morning sickness is considered an important symptom of pregnancy. It can happen at any time – day or night. Usually this problem starts appearing after one month of conception. In this case, women feel uncomfortable. Vomiting starts after 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, due to increased estrogen and progesterone levels, morning sickness or vomiting occurs. But just having morning sickness doesn't mean anything. Vomiting may occur multiple times at any time of the day. Eighty percent of women experience nausea in the first week before a missed period. Again, 50 percent of women experience nausea from 6 weeks of pregnancy or earlier.

Changes in nipples

Swelling or heaviness of the nipples, mild pain in the breast is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. Between days seven and 15 of pregnancy, many women experience breast tenderness, as well as heaviness.

Breast pain, swelling or heaviness can be signs of pregnancy. Some women experience breast tenderness or heaviness after the first or second week of pregnancyIf this has happened to you, take a pregnancy test.

Vaginal discharge

In some cases, pregnant women have vaginal discharge. This can be a problem in the first trimester of pregnancy. This discharge is caused by changes in hormones.

Frequent urination

Blood volume in the body increases during pregnancy. Due to which the kidneys start excreting more fluid, which is excreted from the body through urine. As a result there is frequent urination.

Frequent toilet trips are also one of the main symptoms of pregnancy. If conception is completed after the ovulation process, you may urinate more frequently than usual during the day. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in the body increases. During this time, the kidneys begin to secrete more fluid, which leaves the body through urine.

physical fatigue

In the early stages of pregnancy, if your period hasn't stopped, you may still feel tired and weak. This fatigue and weakness are often symptoms of pregnancy.

Fatigue is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy. Excess progesterone hormone in the body during this time is responsible for bringing fatigue.

change of mind

Pregnancy brings about various changes in emotional behavior. suddenly cried. Again the mood becomes bad for no reason. This mysterious behavior of the mind can be a sign of pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding

Irregular bleeding may occur early in pregnancy. It can be more or less. Vaginal bleeding, spotting and cramps are pregnancy symptoms.

vaginal discharge

In most cases it is due to infection. However, in some cases, pregnant women may also experience vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is more common in the first trimester of pregnancy.


Constipation is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. Hormones are blamed for this. Constipation with missed periods can be considered pregnancy.

Fever and stomach ache

A mild fever along with abdominal pain can be a sign of pregnancy. During fever the temperature does not rise much. The fever gets better in a day or two.

Headache and heaviness

Headaches can be experienced early in pregnancy. This is caused by increased blood circulation and hormone levels in the early stages of pregnancy. During this time you may experience severe headache as well as fatigue.

 Dietary changes

Most women's tastes change after pregnancy. Many people start eating things that were previously on their dislike list. Many pregnant women no longer like their favorite foods. Again, cravings for any food can arise during pregnancy at any time of the day or night.

Pregnancy test

Pregnancy test strips are available at drugstores to confirm whether you are pregnant. You can check with it. The usage rules are clearly written on the packet.

Digital strip cutting test

18/20 days after menstruation stops, wake up in the morning and collect a cup of urine. Put 4/5 drops (at S spot) of urine on the digital strip cut (see video below). Wait 10 minutes to get accurate results. No more than 10 minutes is acceptable. If the C control shows a red color (see image below), you will know that you are not pregnant i.e. negative.

If two red colors C and T come under control then you are pregnant (positive). If only the T control spot is visible, the strip cutter is not active. In that case a new cutter is required.

Note: Do not open the digital strip cutter from the packet after purchase. Just take the cut out of the packet and use it when testing. And the rules are written very nicely on the digital strip cutter box, read carefully.

Normal strip cut test

After 18/20 days of menstruation, collect the first cup of urine after waking up in the morning. And the white part of that urine normal cut (along Max) should be immersed in the cup for 4 seconds or a little more than 1 minute. Then keep the cut in a flat place and see that slowly the red spots will become visible.

If two spots are seen on the testicle, then you will know that you are pregnant i.e. positive. If one comes then you know you are pregnant not negative. And if it doesn't show up in one, then your cut is broken.

Contact the doctor after the report comes positive through the kit. After a few days he will suggest some simple blood tests and an ultrasonogram. If in doubt, you can go to the laboratory and have the urine tested again.

Let's see Dr. Gynecologist. According to Roshan Ara Begum, what physical changes can occur during pregnancy?

Body changes during pregnancy

When a pregnant woman carries him in her womb for nine months to give birth to a new life, the heart, brain, arms, legs and other organs gradually begin to transform into a fetus.

Along with that, the pregnant woman's body and mind started to undergo various changes.

Gynecologist Dr. Roshan Ara Begum said that during pregnancy, women's body undergoes all kinds of surprises, all kinds of changes, there are two hormones called estrogen and progesterone.

He said, a woman's body changes from the very beginning. External changes are not noticeable in the first three months.
Nausea is something that many pregnant women may experience during the first week, especially after waking up in the morning. That's why Anen can't eat.

And what happens to everyone is weight gain. A weight gain of up to two kg per month or up to 15 kg during pregnancy is considered normal for pregnant women.

Apart from this he mentioned several changes like-

  • During pregnancy, the bone joints of the female body become loose. Bone joint pain is felt.
  • A heavy and enlarged stomach or front of the body puts pressure on the back bone. Back pain may occur.
  • Pregnant women often have high blood sugar levels, called gestational diabetes. Most of the time it is
  • Goes away after delivery.
  • Bleeding, swollen gums, and sore gums may occur while brushing.
  • The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder. Hence frequent urination.
  • As the size of the uterus increases, the lungs cannot expand enough. So many people may have breathing problems.
  • Many mothers may be at risk of anemia during pregnancy as the body's demand for iron increases.
  • During this time, fluid production in the woman's body increases. This can lead to water retention and swelling in the feet.
  • Many have high blood pressure.
  • Hormones cause the breasts to enlarge and the area around the breasts to become darker. Breast slowly to feed the baby
  • Getting ready. Many have breast pain.
  • The lactogen hormone makes breast milk.
  • Interest in sex may increase or decrease.
  • There may be white discharge and bleeding from the vagina which is not a cause for concern if it is not excessive.
  • These are the main physical changes of normal pregnancy. Which may not be the same for all women.
  • After childbirth, the hormone oxytocin causes the uterus to contract.
  • But many things never go back to where they were before. Many have problems with weight, stretch marks, diabetes.

Some advice for expectant mothers

  1. Eating proper and balanced food. Avoid raw food.
  2. Regular walking and exercise suitable for pregnancy.
  3. Pregnant women should sleep on one side rather than on one side.
  4. Visit the doctor at least four times during pregnancy if there are no complications.
  5. Take folic acid and calcium 'supplements' as prescribed by your doctor.
  6. Brush your teeth regularly.
  7. To keep your mind happy, add things you like, hobbies, things that interest you
  8. Feel at peace with your life.

our talk

Amara always strives to provide accurate information to our readers by collecting accurate information. Today's post we have shared with you on the advice of various doctors. I hope you benefited.

How many days after being pregnant does menstruation stop?

Menstruation basically stops from the month after conception. Women usually have periods every 28 to 35 days. If a woman's periods are regular. You will understand that you are pregnant if it suddenly stops in any month, along with some other symptoms you will find in the post.

How many days can you tell if you are pregnant?

Between 7 and 15 days of pregnancy, many women experience breast tenderness as well as heaviness. And next month menses stop. But it takes 1 month to understand a pregnant mother well.

How do you know if you are pregnant?

Periods stop in the early stages of pregnancy. But if you feel tired and weak take a pregnancy test. Because this fatigue and weakness can often be a symptom of pregnancy. If you experience occasional vaginal bleeding in addition to your period, you should still take a pregnancy test.

What is menstruation when pregnant?

Menstruation stops after conception. Some women experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. In very rare cases, it is also heard that pregnant women sometimes experience menstrual bleeding. But know well that vaginal bleeding during pregnancy can never be menstruation, it can be something else.

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