What is The Coldness of The Penis or The Penis Laxity (Erectile Dysfunction)?

'Erectile dysfunction' or impotence is a type of sexual disease when the male genital organ or penis does not fully erect during sexual intercourse or does not last long. In simple words, when the penis is not hard enough, we call it erectile dysfunction. so that the penis is not erect or the penis cannot maintain an erect state or Which is called impotence or sexual impotence in rural areas! 

This problem occurs at some point or another in the life of a man. It can appear differently depending on age! A man whose penis is not strong properly understands his pain. He does not feel like a man then. He has to be ashamed of his wife and this shame increases the disease day by day. Peace of mind goes away even though he has no other problem. It is divided into two parts

1) Primary (Congenital)

2) Secondary (caused later)

Symptoms of ED or erectile dysfunction:

1) Decreased desire for sex is also a major symptom of ED

2) Maintaining coldness of penis continuously for a long time

3) Decreased sexual performance

4) The penis does not harden easily

5) In spite of the wife's cooperation at the right time, not getting hard enough.

Psychological causes of ED or erectile dysfunction:

1) Depression , mental exhaustion

2) Excessive masturbation

3) Excessive porn addiction (almost daily)

4) Excessive depression, lack of confidence.

Physiological causes of ED or erectile dysfunction:

1. Excess uncontrollable weight

2. Uncontrolled high blood pressure

1. Uncontrolled diabetes

2. Smoking

3. Chronic digestive problems and IBS

4. Chronic sleep problems

Ways to get rid of ED or erectile dysfunction:

Through lifestyle modification and exercise:

1) Regular exercise can be an effective treatment for sexual impotence. Physical exercise increases blood flow to the body and improves overall health. A strong erection of the penis requires abundant blood supply and a healthy, strong and functioning heart. Regular exercise habits will help keep your heart healthy and active. Daily exercise reduces bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Reduces insomnia and stress. These three regulators are considered to be one of the culprits of male erectile dysfunction. Moreover, this practice will increase the secretion of testosterone in your body. This testosterone is called the sex hormone which increases your sex appetite. Erectile dysfunction occurs when testosterone decreases in the blood. again, Erectile dysfunction also occurs when blood sugar rises. So diabetic patients suffer from sexual weakness. Regular exercise will help control blood sugar levels.

2) Kegel exercise is a special exercise that strengthens the penis. Kegel exercises can be practiced regularly.

3) Adequate sleep is a natural remedy for male sexual impotence: Regular lack of sleep creates erectile dysfunction. Because lack of sleep reduces the secretion of sex hormone or testosterone hormone. Remember that testosterone develops during our sleep cycle. So, sleep at least 7-9 hours a night. Adequate sleep increases sex hormones or libido and is most important for a healthy sex life.

4) Reduce excess weight and bring it under control. Being overweight can reduce the secretion of testosterone hormone. Also excess weight creates type-2 diabetes which is a threat to sexual health. So weight control is important.

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5) Quitting smoking is also a cure for erectile dysfunction: Nicotine can worsen your erectile dysfunction, especially if you have cardiovascular disease or heart attack. Tobacco constricts arteries and blood vessels. As we know, blood flow is very important for strong erections. Therefore, when the blood vessels are narrowed, erectile dysfunction occurs in men. So, if you are in the habit of smoking, decide to quit it as soon as possible. See how to quit smoking from this link.

6) Reduce sugar intake and increase sexual power: One of the biggest enemies of erectile dysfunction is sugar. Sugar raises our blood glucose levels, which stimulates the release of insulin. As a result, the level of insulin in the blood increases, and high levels of insulin reduce the level of testosterone in the blood. As a result, sexual desire decreases or the penis may not be fully erect. Studies have shown that sugar can reduce the body's testosterone levels by more than 25 percent. So, next time think twice before drinking sugary drinks, cold drinks, tea, coffee or anything else.

7) Herbal ingredients to cure erectile dysfunction: There are certain plants in nature that act as stimulants or aphrodisiacs. These natural remedies are very effective in treating erectile dysfunction. Some herbs increase the release of testosterone hormones and reduce stress hormones. Garlic, panax ginseng, ashwagandha and watermelon can be your trump cards to overcome erectile dysfunction. These aphrodisiac or stimulant herbs can help increase your sex drive and cure erectile dysfunction.

Improving mental health by:

1) If you are suffering from depression or lethargy, you must try to get out of depression. In this case, you can watch healthy entertainment, light music, creative plays or movies. If you cannot get out of depression on your own, you can take the help of a psychotherapist. You can read from this link to get rid of depression.

2) Get rid of excessive addiction to porn. Remember, if you can't control your emotions, you can't enjoy anything.

3) Avoid excessive masturbation.

4) Visit somewhere good, maybe hilly area or sea etc. You can give more importance to healthy options to find happiness.

5) Meditation and breathing exercises will remove sexual weakness: Stress, depression and anxiety can cause terrible damage to sexual health. Prolonged stress, depression and anxiety reduce sexual potency. This can lead to erectile dysfunction in men. Practice regular meditation and breathing exercises to reduce your stress hormones, anxiety or depression and change negative thoughts. It slows down the heart rate and regulates blood flow.

Ways to get rid of penile flaccidity through diet:

Short term effective food milkshake:

1. Dates, nuts and milk milkshake. It is very effective. Can be consumed one hour before intercourse.

2. Ripe banana, milk and dates milkshake. This is also functional. Can be consumed one hour before intercourse.

3. Golden Milk: Egg, milk, almond milkshake; This is also effective but should be checked if there are digestive problems.

Foods that increase sex hormones to maintain good sexual health in the long term are:

1. black cumin

2. honey

3. beef


1. Cashew nuts

2. Peanuts


4. Peanuts

Fruits that work directly to eliminate erectile dysfunction

1. Dates

2. Pomegranate

3. banana

4. oranges

The main tool for happiness in sex life is confidence and cooperation of husband and wife and good relationship in married life! You will be a hero if you reduce the environmental stress to zero. You can't do anything in life with so much pressure! No one can! Sleep well. Don't worry about the negative! Remember negative thoughts will only eat away at you. 

If necessary, take psychotherapy, become a person with a positive attitude. Stay away from depression... Stay in the company of loved ones, avoid conflicts at work. Try to live a healthy and beautiful life. Try to enjoy life. Avoid fast food, junk food! Focus on eating healthy! good luck.

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