What Is Pilonidal Sinus? Why Does It Occur? What To Do

Pilonidal sinus is an inflammatory condition involving hair follicles that can occur anywhere along the crease between the hips that runs from the bone below the spine (sacrum) to the anus.


The cause of pilonidal disease is not clear. It is thought to be caused by ingrown hairs in the crease between the buttocks.

This problem is more likely to occur in people who:

* Is obese

* Excess body hair, especially coarse, curly hair

* Those who have to work sitting for a long time.


Symptoms can vary from very mild to severe. Symptoms may include:

* Small dimples

* Pain when there is inflammation or abscess

* Discharge of clear, cloudy or bloody fluid from the affected area

* If infected, the area becomes red and tender and the discharge (pus) has a foul odor

* Fever, nausea or feeling sick may occur if infected

how long do sinus infections last

To prevent infection:

* Shaving the affected area

* Do not sit for a long time

* Keep the affected area clean


If there is pus or abscess: remove the pus through operation, take antibiotics.

But the problem is, the infection or abscess is recurring.

Therefore, it is best to surgically remove the entire sinus tract. The operation can be done in many ways.

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