Why Panic Attack? How To Control Panic?

Many people feel suffocated, can't breathe, palpitations increase, feel panic, feel like they are dying right now. It is called panic attack in English.

If a panic attack is not treated properly, it can lead to panic disorder and other complications. Due to this even the normal functions of one's body can stop. But if treated promptly, the panic attack problem can be eliminated or its frequency can be reduced and one can lead a normal life afterwards. Panic attack symptoms:

First of all, what to do if you are panic attack?

Control rules and treatment measures:

1. All the time, from the throat to the middle of the chest and up to the middle of the stomach, there is an intense fear. It seems to be shaking with fear and panic.

2. It's hard to breathe, the throat is tight, the chest is also tight. I feel like I'm going to die right away.

3. Holding the middle of the chest, I feel short of breath, then the heartbeat increases, it seems that I am having a heart attack or a stroke, now I understand that death is certain. You can't understand or calm yourself down.

4. Hands and feet become cold. I feel so weak that I feel like I'm going to fall over.

5. I am afraid to pray, the thought of death comes more, when I go to the mosque, I am more afraid. After reading the Quran, I feel more afraid because the afterlife comes to my mind.

6. Hands, feet tremble, lips tremble, cry.
Panic attacks happen once or twice in one's life. But there are some people who have panic attacks after few days.
The root cause of panic attacks is still unknown, but research over the years suggests that panic disorder is a combination of both physiological and environmental factors.

Apart from this, various environmental factors such as life complications, stressful events, financial problems, unexpected events, drug side effects, various types of phobias can trigger the onset of panic disorder. If someone has this disease in the family, chances are 4-8 times more than others.
Besides hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, mitral valve prolapse etc. side effects of diseases can cause panic disorder.
If a parent in the family has panic disorder or heart disease, children may also have it.

Abnormalities in control areas of the brain. Panic disorder can occur when there is a problem in the part of the brain that controls the fight or flight response area.

When experiencing panic disorder for the first time, many people believe that they are having a heart attack. It may not be possible to cure panic disorder once, but it can be controlled by following certain procedures.
Alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine should be avoided as well as illegal drugs.

panic attack symptoms how to distract yourself during a panic attack what causes panic attacks what not to do when someone is having a panic attack woman panic attack symptoms

Panic disorder is treated with medication along with some psychological treatments. Such as —

Calming yourself: Try to calm yourself and remove false fear and panic ideas from the mind. Convince yourself that this is a temporary condition that will easily resolve itself, not likely to cause death.

Share: Share your problem with someone. It feels light, own logic, consciousness and returns. Relaxation Training: Teach the patient how to control breathing during panic attacks.
Control your breathing: Take deep, full chest breaths during a panic attack. It will bring mental stability . Attacks can be slowly brought under control.

Practice: Those who are prone to this problem can train themselves in advance on how to feel. By doing which, the mind will calm down, then the next attack can be easily controlled.
Stress management is the first step to reduce panic attack symptoms. For example –

Avoid excessive caffeine like coffee, tea , cola and chocolate.

-A doctor's advice must be taken before using any medicine or herbal remedy. Because many drugs contain chemicals that trigger anxiety symptoms.

-Even with light exercise, the mind moves in another direction. Control comes over your own mind.

-When it seems that this kind of situation is going to be created, first of all, it is necessary to repeatedly splash cold water on the face and eyes. It is also necessary to drink cold water slowly.

- Long and slow (deep breathing) breathing should be tried. It helps to relieve the difficulty of breathing. The moment it seems that panic is starting, the mind should be busy on the other side. Start listening to music, telling stories, reading or writing whatever you want. They confuse the mind. As a result, the trigger that was activating the panic attack is deactivated.

Finally, I will say that it is the duty of each of us to try to be by his side for the sake of humanity, without making fun of the suffering of those who have such problems. Situations, events or words or practices in which the patient is suffering from this condition should be avoided. The pain of any mental illness is a special kind of pain that cannot be understood or felt from the outside. 

Even if the person who is having a problem says it repeatedly, since it is not visible to the eyes, it is not possible for others to understand it easily. So in these cases only the words of this person should be given importance. Its advantages and disadvantages should be given some importance. Compassion is most needed in any emotional distress.
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