How to escape the addiction of masturbation?

It is important to control masturbation if it becomes an addiction. Many people watch porn and masturbate almost every night. Such bad habits will soon lead to disaster. Below are some tips to control masturbation; Hopefully, if you follow these, you can completely control masturbation.

1) If you are badly addicted to masturbation, never be alone, you can spend more time with friends, spend less time at home, spend more time outside. You can exercise , join the gym, cycle around. Can study together with classmates. You can pass the time by going to the library or coffee shop. It is best not to stay in single room during student life. Those who live in single rooms are more addicted. Sharing a room with others does not create loneliness. It is this loneliness that brings destruction.

2) Mark the times when you are more interested in masturbating. Try to do these things quickly in case many people feel the urge to take a bath or shower. If such a desire arises before going to sleep, then you can immediately do some hobby. can listen to music You can do some light exercise again. If the body is tired, the desire to masturbate is extinguished.

3) The best way to stay away from masturbation is to have a hobby. Like gardening, exercising, playing sports, praying means keeping yourself busy with activities that you like. There are also subjects that you like to practice, such as mathematics, literature, art, and content that you like on Facebook or YouTube. For example, many people like to listen to music, many people listen to waz, many people listen to religious verses, some people listen to or watch jokes, many people like to watch scientific content, etc. In other words, you have to identify your liking first.

4) If you are of marriageable age and capable, you should get married. But if you can't afford it, you should be patient. Many people got married without earning income. The matter certainly deserves consideration.

5) Meditation is an effective method. Here it should be said that religious prayer is a form of meditation. However, there are differences in religious matters. You can also do yoga exercises.

6) Keep yourself as busy as possible and set yourself a target. It can be long term as well as short term. Short-term goals such as a one-day plan can drive a person very nicely. But aimless living is dangerous.

7) Be patient. You cannot get rid of addiction in one day. If you have concentration, you can slowly get out of any addiction. Sometimes mistakes will happen. Then don't give up in despair. try it

Masturbation Addiction: Signs, Symptoms & Treatments

8) Spend more time with friends and family. Spend very little time alone. Bad thoughts come more when you are alone.

9) Can't stay up late. And at night you can try to do something creative at leisure. Like learning poetry recitation, learning English, learning a new foreign language or learning programming etc.

10) Try to learn about sex. Try to learn about how to maintain sexual fitness. You can enrich yourself by reading the contents of this website.

11) You can be interested in trees, birds, flowers, rivers, animals, nature. Distortion will be greatly reduced. For example, keep some interesting pictures on your mobile phone or computer that can give you something different.

12) Set small time-based targets. Suppose the first target does not masturbate for two consecutive days. If you can't do it for two days, gradually increase the time. This way you can be successful slowly.

13) Do not sleep in bed when If you sit somewhere, sit with others. You can always try to be with people.

14) Masturbating consumes a lot of calories, so the body breaks down very quickly To compensate for the damage caused by acne, regularly eat different fruits, eggs, milk, chickpeas. Eat more fruits, along with milk , eggs, fish, chicken, honey.

15) First thing to remember, don't suffer extreme regret or extreme guilt for masturbation or masturbation. It is a natural human process. Many are involved in this bad habit. But it takes time to quit. Remember you are human. And only humans make mistakes. Don't punish yourself if you think you made a mistake after doing it and regret it. Instead, be determined to keep your mind strong in the future.

16) Throw away the things that lead you to masturbation, stay away from them. If you really want to get rid of excessive masturbation, then if you have porn movies or chatter collection, destroy them immediately. Burn or discard. Delete immediately from hard drive or memory. Before using the Internet, go to the parental control in the browser and block adult content.

17) Use the time without wasting time. Fill life with creative activities. If you always have a tendency to do something new, the matter of masturbation will disappear from your mind. Along with this all other bad things will also disappear from life. You can understand life in a new way, find a new meaning to live. You can write, learn to play music, draw, or do whatever you can.

Some tips:
1) Install porn blocking software on computer. Enter a weird password that you can't get wrong later. Or give the password to a friend. Don't remember yourself.

2) Do not give up masturbation at all. Convince yourself that you will do it sometimes. Not often.

3) Avoid those who talk too much about bad things or girls or porn movies or chatty.

4) Can play video games. It will also make you forget about masturbation.

5) Think about your family, think about those who are with you. Create a weekly routine for talking with family members.

6) Do not do premalam while lying down with girlfriends or lovers, sitting alone.

7) Phonesex must be avoided
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