But even after various stomach problems, our eating phase does not stop. We are very enthusiastic about eating a variety of outside foods. That's why chowmeen, biryani, pizza have become our daily food. As a result, the problem is increasing by leaps and bounds. However, we have tools to combat this problem. And its name is antacid. Gas, heartburn, indigestion, whatever, quickly swallow this medicine with a mouthful of water! Then the problem is over in no time!
However, experts have repeatedly warned against such indiscriminate use of antacids. According to them, antacid drugs also have some serious side effects. So it is better to avoid this medicine unless absolutely necessary.
Antacids are a-a-a-b

Antacids are over the counter drugs. That is, any drug that can be bought over the counter without a prescription. The main function of this drug is to neutralize stomach acid or more specifically stomach acid. As a result, problems like gas and acidity are reduced. Antacids are available as tablets or liquids. This medicine is very effective. Can cure stomach problems very quickly. So now almost every household has antacid stock.
There is a great remedy for these problems

Antacids are highly effective in reducing multiple stomach problems, such as-
1. Indigestion
2. Heartburn, acidity
3. Stomach ulcer
4. Inflammation in the lining of the stomach etc.
But remember, there are different types of antacids available in the market. All these drugs have different modes of action. So only a specialist doctor can decide which medicine is best for you. Otherwise, the body will not take time to beat twelve.
Antacids also have hidden dangers

In this context , the NHS.UK informs that taking antacids regularly without a doctor's advice can lead to some serious problems, such as-
1. Diarrhea
2. Constipation
3. Excessive rheumatism
4. Abdominal pain
5. Abdominal tension
6. Vomiting or nausea etc.
In addition, studies have shown that some antacids increase the risk of cancer. So don't make the mistake of taking antacid without doctor's advice. This can be counterproductive.
Who should be extra careful before taking antacid?

Some people need to take extra precautions before taking antacids. This list includes-
1. Pregnant women or breastfeeding
2. Have liver disease
3. Sufferers of kidney problems
4. Heart failure happened
5. Suffering from high blood pressure
6. Affected by liver cirrhosis
7. In some cases under the age of 12,
it is recommended to consult a doctor about the use of antacids.
When should you eat?

According to experts, such medicines should be taken before or after food. In this case, taking this medicine on an empty stomach is not very beneficial. Rather, its effectiveness can be seen by playing with food. Remember, an antacid only works for about 2 to 4 hours. So do not take another medicine within 2 to 4 hours after taking one medicine. This will increase the problem.