However, even in such a situation, the Puja fasting is going on according to tradition. And at the end of that fast, the mouth is watering. In this way, the body will be healthy even in the heat of the fire, the body will be strengthened quickly. , many people believe in such a belief. So many people eat dab after the summer fast.
Besides, some people are overly worried about their health. They want to be one step ahead of everyone. So get up in the morning and soak your throat in bucket water before the sun comes out. This is enough to keep the body cool throughout the day.
But the question is, is it beneficial to eat dab regularly on an empty stomach? Or does it increase the risk of damage? Prominent nutritionist Koel Pal Chowdhury of Kolkata opened his mouth on this matter .
1. Canned water is a storehouse of nutrients

Jaber water is auspicious this summer. It has enough water. Besides, sodium, potassium, vitamin B1, and vitamin C are present in this drink. And there are plenty of calories. But despite the calories, canned water has negligible sugar. So sugar patients can safely drink bottled water. Koel Pal Chowdhury said that there is no danger of any problem. So in this summer you can never stay away from bottled water.
2. Dhanvantari Dub water for many diseases

Nutritionist Koel Pal Chowdhury said that there are many benefits of bottled water. According to him, these few benefits can be obtained by drinking bottled water regularly -
1. Helps to control sugar. Studies have shown that regular drinking of bottled water helps control HbA1c in diabetics. That is, their 3-month average sugar is reduced.
2. Heat restores the balance of electrolytes in the body.
3. Bottled water is very effective in the problem of low BP.
4. Drinking water can also help in the removal of kidney stones to some extent.
3. Should you eat bottled water on an empty stomach?

There are many Gaurachandrikas. Now let's get back to the main question. In this context, Koel Pal Chowdhury said, fruit or fruit juice should not be consumed on an empty stomach. It causes various problems in the body. In particular, various abdominal complications increase. Illnesses like gas, acidity, indigestion can recede. Also, drinking this drink on an empty stomach cannot absorb any of the ingredients in it. As a result, nutrition does not match. So don't drink bottled water on an empty stomach. It is of no use.
4. How much should be eaten in a day?

Eating any good thing in a certain amount keeps the body healthy. If it is more, multiple problems occur in the body. Now the question is, how much drinking water per day is beneficial for the body? In this context, Koel Pal Chowdhury said that one can drink 200 ml bottled water a day. It should not be overdone. If you eat too much, it will not be beneficial, but it will cause problems.
5. Water is not a substitute

Many people think of bottled water as a substitute for plain water. Don't make this mistake though. No matter how hot or cold it is - water is water. There is no alternative. So drink 3 to 4 liters of water a day. Only in case of kidney or heart disease, the level of water intake should be fixed with the doctor's advice. Besides, everyone can follow this rule. This will keep the body healthy. It will be possible to lose heat easily.