According to experts, humidity is very high in the weather now. This is the reason why Bengalis are mainly victims of Vapsa heat. In this situation sweat is coming out of the body like tap water. And that sweat is drying on the body. Many problems arise from this. Especially, many people are suffering from fever.
The problem is, many people start taking antibiotics along with paracetamol when they have a fever. And this is the root cause of the problem. Taking this antibiotic without specialist advice can lead to complications. Even drug resistance develops. So, instead of antibiotics, trust some home remedies to reduce fever. This will reduce the body temperature.
1. Jalpatti is the main weapon

Jalpatti can be the main weapon in case of high fever. In this case, you can soak a cloth in cold water and put it on your forehead. This will cool down the body and reduce fever. In this case, along with the forehead, the whole body can be wiped with a cloth soaked in water. It will reduce body temperature easily. Studies have shown that by giving Jalpatti, problems like fever can be alleviated. Especially, Jalpatti is very effective in viral fiber. So don't forget about this old weapon!
2. Consume plenty of fluids

Fever can cause dehydration in the body. This problem is called dehydration. Therefore, it is important to have moderate supply of water in the body during this time. That's why experts say to increase the amount of water if you have a fever. However, along with water, juice, sports drinks, soup and tea are also very beneficial, says Healthline .
ORS can also be consumed if needed. And if you wash your pocket, you must have a can of water a day. You will recover quickly.3. Rest is Brahmastra

Now many people work from home even during fever in the name of work from home. Tell them, if you are alive, you will be able to work for many more days. So don't water your body in the work cycle. The risk of loss will increase several times.
Incidentally, various studies have shown that the body recovers faster if you take rest during fever. So you have to spend a few days lying down. Besides, 8 to 9 hours of sleep a day is a must. You can stay healthy.4. Ginger tea can be a perfect treat

Adaat has a component called Jiggeral. It is the active ingredient of ginger. According to various studies, this material is effective in reducing problems like fever, cold, cough. In this case, add some ginger to the tea. Then drink that tea. If you drink two cups of ginger tea like this, you will get benefits. But don't drink more than two cups of tea a day. It can increase problems instead of benefits. There may even be sleep problems.
In addition, the consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables should be increased during fever. Only then can you recover quickly.5. Test is essential

Remember, during this time the incidence of corona has increased several times. And this virus can attack the body at any moment. So be aware as much as possible. If the fever does not subside within 1 to 2 days, you must consult a doctor. After that it is necessary to do covid or other blood test as suggested by him. Only through this will the correct disease be diagnosed. You can recover quickly with proper treatment.