Incidentally, nutritionists ask children to get used to eating fruits from an early age. Because the fruit has multiple nutritional properties. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. For this reason, fruit pairing is important in keeping the body healthy. So all ages should eat fruits regularly. Koel Pal Chowdhury said that several diseases can be said goodbye through this.
Should you eat whole fruit or fruit juice?

Fruit should always be eaten whole. Only then is it fully nourished. Drinking the juice loses a lot of its quality. Not even the benefits of fruit fiber. So it is good not to eat fruit with juice. Eat whole fruits instead. By eating whole fruits, the storehouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants directly enters the body. Koel Pal Chowdhury said that the body's nutritional deficiency is solved and it gives strength to fight against various diseases.
Can you not eat fruit juice if you have diabetes?

Diabetes patients have no end of problems. Almost all their delicacies are forbidden. Rumors are spreading that they don't even eat fruit juice. However, Koel Pal Chowdhury did not want to give any importance to this theory. According to him, diabetic patients should avoid eating fruits with high glycemic index. Because eating such fruits increases blood sugar quickly. This list includes several fruits including litchi, jackfruit, sabeda. So none of these fruits or fruit juices can be consumed.
However, the juice of fruits with low GI (Glycemic Index) can be consumed. In this case, there are several fruits like guava, apple which have low GI. He said that diabetic patients do not have any problem by eating such fruit or fruit juice.
No sugar in fruit juice for children

Children must eat fruit. But they don't always want to eat the whole fruit. So it is wise to feed them fruit juice. Fresh fruit juice is eaten by the little ones.
But while preparing the juice for the child, do not add too much sugar in it. This can lead to increased sugar in the child and weight gain. Studies even show that eating too much sugar increases the risk of cancer. So try to keep kids away from consuming sugar as much as possible.
Who will not eat fruit or fruit juice?

Fruits should not be eaten if the level of potassium in the body is too high. In this case, only those suffering from kidney disease have to suffer from such problems. Also, people with irritable bowel syndrome may have to stay away from certain fruits. Besides, almost everyone can eat fruits. There is no risk of any problem.
And remember, fruits cannot be eaten on an empty stomach or on a full stomach. Instead, eat fruit between two meals. That is to eat between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner. You can stay healthy.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.