However, this food should not be judged only by taste. But its quality is also unique. It contains some beneficial ingredients that instantly invigorate both body and mind. So you need to eat poppy seeds regularly.
But the sad thing is that many Bengalis have stopped eating poppy because of the pressure on their pockets. Due to the price, they are being deprived of mouth-watering items like poppy seeds, poppy seeds, potato seeds, and onion seeds.
According to experts, don't always look at the pocket. Instead, spend a little more and eat poppy seeds. By this it will be possible to keep distance from multiple physical problems. Let's take a look at that.
1. Poppy is a storehouse of nutrients

According to nutritionists, poppy is a very useful food. It contains several essential elements including fiber, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, iron. All these elements together perform many essential functions of the body. Even to eliminate various diseases, their combination is effective. So winter-summer-monsoon, be it poppy. So, don't look too much at your pocket, buy poppy seeds from the store and cook them.
2. Sidvahasta to reduce pain

Now when the age increases a little, the problem of pain recedes. In particular, knee, back pain is the root of all the waste. Do you also suffer from such problems? In that case, poppy seeds may be just what you need for pain relief. In fact, there are ingredients in this diet that can reduce pain. These substances are called opium alkaloids. In this case, besides reducing pain, poppy also helps to eliminate the problem of insomnia. So you can keep the poppies of your choice to relieve the pain.
3. Heart is healthy

The time to be indifferent to the heart is past. Rather, it is necessary to always be aware of this organ. Otherwise, several complex and more complex diseases including heart attack, arrhythmia, heart failure can follow. Incidentally, various studies have shown that poppy is very effective in keeping the heart healthy. It contains enough unsaturated fat. This fat can reduce the risk of heart and stroke up to 17 percent, according to Healthline . Besides, the beneficial fat present in it restores the health of the skin.
4. Aids in digestion

Bengali and stomach problems are synonymous! Complications like gas , acidity and upset stomach are our daily companions. But don't worry sir, just by eating poppy seeds you can easily get rid of this problem. In fact, this food contains a lot of fiber. This fiber helps in digestion of food. Even improves gut health. And that's why poppy seeds can easily solve stomach problems.
5. Effective in increasing fertility

The number of couples suffering from fertility problems is not less. This problem is mainly due to bad lifestyle and eating habits. However, some studies indicate that regular consumption of poppy seeds may increase fertility. Especially, women benefit more from it. So every couple should keep poppy on their feet.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.