Eye twitching makes it very difficult to work. Why is this problem? What is the treatment? The expert doctor opened his mouth about all these issues.
The problem is, there are many superstitions associated with this problem of eyelid twitching. So the root cause of this problem is not addressed. However, if we do not turn our eyes to this problem from the beginning, there is a danger of creating major complications. So it is important to be careful if one of the eyelids twitches repeatedly.
In this context , Dr. Anuradha Chand, director of Kolkata's Global Eye Hospital and prominent ophthalmologist , said that problems such as eyelid twitching should not be neglected. Rather, it will be possible to take care of eye health only by taking measures at the right time.
So without further delay let's know about A, A, A, B of eyelid twitching problem-
1. The name of the danger is Myocania

According to Dr. Anuradha Chand, myokinaea is often behind eyelid twitching. In this problem, one part of the eyelid becomes irritated. Then the place moved. But remember, in this case only the patient can understand that the eyelids are trembling. From the outside, no one will notice that the eyelids have begun to tremble. That is, only the patient can experience this problem. This is the main symptom of myokinaea.
2. Using lubricating eye drops will solve the problem

In this case, this problem can be due to dry eyes, dust and sand entering the eyes or due to trauma. However, such problems usually subside on their own. Most cases do not require treatment. But if the problem does not subside within 2 to 3 days, you should consult a doctor. Some lubricating drops should be used as advised by the expert. Through this, problems like myokinaia can be prevented.
3. Nerve problems may also be behind

Sometimes the eyelids may twitch repeatedly due to nerve problems. Even many victims of this condition cannot keep their eyelids open at all. Due to this their daily life is disrupted. Even if the problem is very severe, the patient can even stop walking. According to Dr. Chand, this problem is called primary blepharospasm. In this case, the victim needs to be treated quickly. Nerve medication is prescribed to patients with this problem. In addition to this, Botox injections are given in the eyelids. This reduces the problem.
4. Beware of secondary blepharospasm

Many have severe dry eyes. There is no water in their eyes. This is why the eyelids move. It is not even possible to keep the eyes open. Dry eye treatment is very fast in this situation. In that case neuro suppressant drugs and multiple lubricating drops are given. Through this it is possible to solve the problem easily. Remember, if this disease is not treated soon, it can lead to many complications. So be careful.
5. What can be done to prevent the disease?

If you want to prevent this disease, follow these rules to the letter -
1. Reduce the use of computers and laptops as much as possible
2. Can't look at the mobile screen in one go
3. In this case, after 20 minutes of looking at the mobile or computer screen, look at an object 20 meters away for 20 seconds. This will reduce the risk of suffering from such problems.
4. Gently dab the tears in the eyes from time to time. This will also keep the moisture in the eyes.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.