By the way, gas is produced in everyone's body. Some may have a little more, some may have a little less. And this gas produced in the intestine is normally expelled through the anus. Its cloth name is Vatkarma.
The problem is, many people look down on rhetoric. But know, this is a normal physiological process. So there is nothing to be too upset about this. However, many people have excessive amounts of gas in their stomachs. Even they have a chat every now and then. And if you are a victim of such a situation, you have to be careful. Specifically, their diet should be kept under glass. Because the seeds of the problem are hidden in their eating habits! So without further delay, let's learn about 5 foods that can increase arthritis problems from eminent nutritionist Meenakshi Majumdar . Hopefully, keeping these foods out of your diet will keep you well.
1. At the root of the problem are kidney beans

Kidney beans are a source of protein. Also, this food contains sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, regular consumption of kidney beans helps to overcome the deficiency of minerals and vitamins. However, if you have problems with IBS or colon irritation, it is better not to eat this food. In fact, the fiber present in these foods can cause intestinal problems in people with this disease. As a result, there is a risk of suffering from problems like gas and flatulence. Even their lives can be ruined by their actions. So stay away from such foods.
2. Even eating pulses is dangerous

According to Meenakshi Majumdar, even a beneficial food like pulses can increase the problem of gas. In fact, this food contains a lot of fiber. And this fiber can cause intestinal irritation. As a result, there is a risk of suffering from problems like gas and rheumatism. So if you have problems with excessive rheumatism, reduce the consumption of pulses to some extent. You can stay healthy only if you follow this rule.
3. Cold Drinks Naib Naib f

Many consider cold drinks to be a panacea for gas and acidity. But the matter is completely opposite. Because regular consumption of cold drinks increases the risk of such problems instead of reducing them. In this context, Meenakshi Majumder said, cold drinks contain a lot of sweets. And this sweet ingredient can cause problems in the intestines. It will even increase the incidence of gas, acidity and rheumatism. So the less you drink cold drinks, the better.
4. Flour bread will increase the problem

Flour contains a substance called gluten. And this material is not tolerated by everyone. As a result, stomach problems like gas and rheumatism occur. In some cases, they may even suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. So if the problem increases after eating flour bread, it will be wise to stay away from it. Sufferers of this problem can eat rice instead of bread. As it will solve nutritional deficiency, there will be no problem.
5. Drinking milk makes you happy!

Many people cannot tolerate milk. In fact, milk contains a sugar called lactose. Many people have trouble digesting this sugar. Because of that, there is a danger of getting trapped in problems like gas and rheumatism. So if there is a problem with milk, it is recommended to stay away from it. Instead, you can eat dairy products like curd or chickpeas. This can overcome the problem.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.