Worst Foods For Your Heart: If you want to keep your heart healthy, you have to say no to certain foods. Otherwise there will be no limit to the danger. Complicated diseases like heart attack, heart failure will follow.
However, in the last few decades, the number of patients suffering from heart disease is increasing. And adding to the concern of doctors, heart disease is also occurring at a young age. Even after the age of 30, many people die due to heart disease. So it is very important to look at this organ.
According to research, our wrong eating habits can be the underlying cause of this disease. So experts advise to be aware of food.
Now the question is, exactly which foods increase the risk of heart disease? Let's find out about that.
1. Salt and sugar are the root of all the spoilage

Remember, salt and sugar are extremely bad for the heart. In this case, salt directly increases the risk of heart disease by increasing blood pressure. And on the other hand, eating sugar increases weight. As a result, the risk of heart disease increases indirectly. Sugar also causes diabetes. And if the blood sugar increases, it directly damages the heart. So distance yourself from sugar and salt as soon as possible.
2. Reddit is the root of the problem

If you don't taste the delicious mutton broth at the Sunday market, your vacation is ruined. So there was a huge queue in front of the mutton shop from this morning. But you will be surprised to know that eating this goat meat of your friend can lead to heart disease. In fact, this meat contains saturated fat. This fat increases cholesterol levels in the body. Web Med says that if cholesterol increases, the risk of heart disease increases .
3. If you wet your throat with cold drinks, you will be exposed

Bengal is on fire. If you go out in the morning, you are not safe! Standing in this situation, many people wet their throats with cold drinks. It initially provides some comfort. However, major damage is being done inside the body. In fact, cold drinks contain a lot of sugar. So drinking this drink increases weight. And if weight increases, high blood pressure, cholesterol and type 2 diabetes follow. All these diseases can lead to heart disease. So be aware.
4. Bread, pasta is also a great danger

Bread is a must for breakfast in many homes. Along with tiffin there is pasta. But you will be surprised to know that these two foods are very bad for the heart. Both these foods are made from refined grains. So pasta and bread cause various metabolic disorders. And metabolic problems like diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol directly damage the heart. So get rid of such foods as soon as possible.
5. Pizza naib naib f…

The trend of eating pizza is now very high. The new food trend of the new generation is pizza. So big big companies come in front of us with pizza dough. But this pizza only damages the heart. So this food should be avoided as much as possible. However, apart from pizza, eating any type of fast food including rolls, chowmin, chops increases cholesterol in the body. As a result, the risk of heart disease increases. So it is very important to stay away from such foods.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.