According to experts, everyone has very little time these days. All day busy with office, study or other work. It is often not possible to find time for separate meals among these. So many people eat a lot of food at once. So that the stomach is full for some time, so that you don't have to eat anything else in the middle of work.
However , Koel Pal Chowdhury, a prominent nutritionist in the city of Kolkata, is against the habit of eating a lot of food at once. According to him, eating a lot of food at once can lead to serious problems. Therefore, it is important to eat more than once to fill the stomach. This keeps many parts of the body healthy. It is possible to absorb all the nutrients of food. So take small food breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or break down one of the big mills. For example, instead of eating lunch all at once, keep it next to the desk and eat it at intervals. You will benefit from this.
Metabolism rates are balanced

According to Koel Pal Chowdhury, the number of patients suffering from metabolic disorders is increasing. Patients suffering from high pressure, sugar and cholesterol can be seen at the same time. So the body's metabolic rate should be kept in check. And frequent eating can help you in this task. In this case, instead of eating Petpur, the metabolic rate of the body is balanced again. Even the various nutrients of food can be easily absorbed by the body.
Able to lose weight

Many people have the idea that they will lose weight without eating. But that is not the case at once. Rather, there is a risk of gaining weight by eating Petpur after not eating for a long time. Studies have shown that people who do not eat for a long time tend to accumulate fat in their bodies. They mainly accumulate fat in the stomach. So if you want to lose weight, you must eat repeatedly. This will reduce excess fat.
Bosh means sugar

After eating a lot of food in Petpur after not eating for a long time, the blood sugar level suddenly increases. From this there is a risk of damage to various organs. There may be more complex diseases like heart attack, stroke, CKD. So diabetic patients should not eat a lot of food at least at one time. This will increase the risk of damage. Rather, the sugar level is correct by eating little by little. Also, you should continue to take your medicine from time to time.
Indigestion goes away

The incidence of stomach problems is very high among Bengalis. And our eating habits are mainly responsible for this problem. If you don't eat for a long time, problems like gas and acidity increase. And on the other hand, this problem can be easily solved by playing it repeatedly. Problems like gas, acidity, flatulence and belching are eliminated. So, from now on, try to eat small amounts frequently.
Eat light food

Not only should you eat repeatedly, but you should eat light food. Banish fast food from now on. Eat home cooked food instead. And let there be greens, vegetables, fish, chicken meat and eggs. By eating such food, vitamin, mineral, protein and fat deficiency is eliminated. As a result, the body gets the resources to stay healthy. So try to follow this rule from today.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.