Avoid 'honey'

Eating beef already generates heat in the body On the other hand, honey also warms the body. So honey should not be consumed after eating beef. It can cause various problems in the body, from which there is a risk of serious damage to the body
"Milk" should not be consumed

Beef takes a little longer to digest. So milk should not be consumed after eating beef. It can cause digestive problems. Along with that, lameness can cause various other physical problems. So after eating beef, milk or dairy products should be avoided.
Do not sip hot tea

There are many people who like to drink hot tea after meals Avoid such mistakes from now on. Cha Naib Naib Cha after the meat! Tea should not be consumed even within a few hours of eating meat for lunch or dinner. It can cause problems like indigestion and heartburn
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.