In fact, it is very difficult to find a person who has not received an electric shock at some point in his life, even if he did not fall into the trap of great danger. The difficulty is how the body gives up even after receiving a small electric shock. The hands and feet began to tingle. In this context , Dr. Rudrajit Pal,
a prominent medical expert in Kolkata , said that electric shock is always a fatal problem. So it is necessary to stop playing with electrics. There is a risk of getting burns, heart problems and nerve diseases from electric shock. So caution is important. Otherwise, the patient's life may be affected.
1. What to do if burned?

Many times some parts of the body get burnt due to electric shock . If you are a victim of this situation, you must first wash the area very well. In this case wash the area with clear sterile water. Then apply an antibacterial ointment there. Then go straight to the doctor. He will give some medicine and ointment to solve the burn problem after seeing the physical condition of the patient. This can solve the problem.
2. If you take a rest, the pain will decrease

After receiving the shock of the current, many people's arms and legs go numb. If you want to escape from this situation, you need to take rest. Also drink enough water . If you can do this, you will get stronger quickly. However, physical discomfort does not go away even after resting many times. In such situations, seek medical advice as soon as possible. Undue delay may increase the problem.
3. Treat heart problems first

According to Dr. Pal, the heart can be severely damaged by electric shock. In this case, it is also possible to have heart rhythm. The patient may even become unconscious. The heart may stop beating.
Remember, it is important to consult a doctor soon if the heart rate increases. And if the patient's heart stops beating after receiving an electric shock, it is wise to give him CPR immediately. In this case, after applying pressure along the middle of the chest, you have to put your mouth on the victim's mouth and blow. This is how his life can be saved. People with pacemakers can also have serious problems after receiving an electric shock. In this case too, consult a doctor quickly.
4. Nerve damage

If someone receives regular electric shocks for any reason, there is a risk of nerve damage. Especially, people associated with electrical work face such problems. Because they sometimes get electric shocks. According to Dr. Pal, the problem is that there is no treatment for electric shock if there is a nerve problem. So awareness is the main tool in this case. Avoid electric shock as much as possible. So you need to be careful.
5. What to do, and what not?

According to Dr. Pal, if you see someone getting an electric shock, first turn off the power line. Do not touch him without turning off the current. You will also eat currants. Then look at the physical condition of the victim. If he is healthy, ask him to rest with water in his eyes and mouth. And if he becomes seriously ill, go straight to the hospital's emergency department. This can save his life.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.