But the problem is, there is no less confusion among the public about such a complex disease. Sometimes social media is abuzz with the latest information. For example, some internet pages state that normal blood sugar levels are determined by age. And this information is reaching billions of people. They do not understand, this information is right or wrong. So with good reason, we reached out to Dr. Utsha Basu, a prominent diabetes specialist in the city of Kolkata, with this question. He told us, now diabetes treatment does not depend on any specific number or level. Rather, the main purpose of current treatment is to keep multiple parts of the body healthy.
Main focus - 'Glycemic Variability'

According to Dr. Basu, you did a sugar fasting, that report may have come true. But PP saw that it was broken. Even looking at the HbA1c test report, it is not always possible to understand everything. So doctors now want to understand the glycemic variability of diabetic patients. In this case, the main consideration is the amount of sugar in the patient's body at any time of the day. Treatment is done accordingly.
Continuous glucose monitoring is required

Continuous glucose monitoring is needed to understand glycemic variability. In this case, a device is attached to the patient's hand. This device checks the sugar level of the patient's body every hour through sensors. This device takes readings every four days. Then the doctor checks the report. Treatment is based on this. This is one of the modern methods of diabetes treatment.
Is there anything called sugar level according to age?

According to Dr. Utsha Basu, there is no such thing as sugar level according to age. However, while treating, you have to think a little according to the age group. In this case the patients are divided into two categories – one, those who go to the office, ie those between the age of 30 to 60. Secondly, those who are slightly older. That is people over sixty. In this case, 30 to 60-year-olds should keep HBA1c between 7 anyway. Only then are they healthy. Organs can be saved.
On the other hand, people over 60 years of age are more likely to develop diabetes. So they are not told to control sugar with such emphasis . But an expert doctor in this matter takes a decision in this matter after understanding all aspects of the patient's health.
Fasting 126 but only sugar

Treatment criteria may change with age. But whether you have sugar, its size is the same for all ages. In this case, if the fasting sugar is 126 or PP is 199 or HBA1C is more than 6.5, it should be considered as diabetes. It wouldn't be otherwise. So this matter must be kept in mind. Do not listen to any misleading information about this. It is your loss.
Sugar control is important

Once diabetes is diagnosed, it is very important to keep it under control. In this case, diabetes can be controlled by a combination of medication, dietary changes and exercise. In this case, eat more vegetables. And 30 minutes of exercise a day is a must. And of course try to follow the advice of the expert doctor. Through this, you can spend your life keeping the various parts of the body protected.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.