The problem is, patients suffering from this disease are so terrified of defecation that many of them do not even want to go to the toilet. Rather, they believe in holding down the speed of stool. And because the stomach is not cleaned, the problem of constipation increases. As a result, the problem of piles also multiplies.
According to experts, if the stool is too hard, the inside of the anus can be cut. This causes bleeding. This problem is called piles. In this case, if quick action is not taken, the complications may increase several times.
Sometimes the only solution for piles is surgery. However, before the problem reaches this level, it is possible to reverse hemorrhoids by making some changes in diet. In this case, 5 fruits will help you in this task.
1. An Apple a Day

Apple is the favorite fruit of many of us. It contains many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Therefore, in addition to satiety, apples can also solve nutritional deficiencies in the body.
On the other hand, apples are also good for solving the problem of piles. This results in an adequate amount of fiber. This soluble fiber can soften the stool. As a result, there is no need to strain while defecating. This is the reason for relief from hemorrhoids irritation.
2. Banana will solve the problem

Banana is our constant companion. As a result, the vitamins and minerals present provide quick energy to the body. As a result, fatigue quickly passes. In addition, bananas can also solve the problem of hemorrhoids. This results in a type of resistant starch. This ingredient reduces the problem of hemorrhoids. Apart from this, the soluble fiber present in bananas is also very effective in preventing the problem of piles. So if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids, you should eat bananas regularly.
3. Papaya will reduce the pain of hemorrhoids

Papaya is the destroyer of stomach diseases. This results in adequate amounts of antioxidants. This antioxidant directly flushes out toxins from the colon. Also, the soluble fiber present in papaya helps in softening the stool. As a result, the stomach is easily cleansed. Abdominal pressure is not required. Because of this, the cuts inside the anus dry up quickly. Reduced menstrual problems.
4. Playing guava will turn the game

We neglect a very useful fruit like Guava . But you will be surprised to know that this fruit has multiple nutritional properties. It contains vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, antioxidants but can easily solve many problems. Besides, the fiber present in it directly plays a special role in cleaning the stomach. So regular consumption of guava can cure problems like hemorrhoids.
5. Don't forget to eat pears

Another neglected fruit is the pear. But this fruit is also rich in fiber. So it is very important to soften the stool. Studies have even shown that pears are very effective in relieving the pain of piles. Hence hemorrhoid sufferers eat this fruit regularly. It will be possible to solve the problem easily.
Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.