In today's fast paced life no one has a single moment of time. So instead of making food at home, it is being brought from outside. And that food is very harmful. Loaded with too many calories, trans fat, saturated fat. There are other harmful ingredients as well.
To solve this problem, experts are asking to follow the rainbow diet. That is, there should be food of different colors on the plate. Dark colored foods contain vitamin A, vitamin C , vitamin E, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium etc.
Azhar Ali Saeed, holistic health coach and author of the book “Eat Your Cake, Lose Your Weight” is very positive about this diet. According to him, this rainbow diet prevents heart disease, inflammation, cancer from weight loss.
Why eat colorful food?

This dark colored food contains some special natural ingredients. These ingredients are very beneficial for the body. For example, yellow foods contain carotene, green foods contain chlorophyll, and red foods contain anthocyanins. These elements are essential to keep the body healthy. So it is important to have such foods in your daily diet.
Reduces weight

Being overweight leads to many killer diseases. The list includes many diseases including diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer. So it is necessary to reduce the weight . And Rainbow Diet helps you in this task. In fact, most vegetables and fruits are very low in calories. It is also rich in fiber. Besides, polyphenols are also present in sufficient quantity. So following this diet can lead to weight loss.
Rich in fiber and water

Remember, fruits and vegetables need enough water. Water does not cause dehydration. This is especially true during summer. It also contains fiber. As a result, the stomach is full. Does not get hungry easily. Because fiber is not easily digested. Keeps the stomach full for a long time. So this food is beneficial for people suffering from obesity along with diabetes.
Calories are low

Remember, this food is very low in calories. Because this diet usually consists of fruits and vegetables. However, foods like bananas, avocados, sweet corn are somewhat higher in calories. But having other fruits and vegetables in the diet along with these foods is not a problem. And fruits like bananas, avocados are rich in vitamins and minerals. So there is no question of not eating. Instead keep these fruits in regular diet.
Can be boiled and eaten

Some vegetables cannot be eaten raw. But for this reason there is no need to eat fried food. Because eating fried food or adding too many spices to it actually causes problems in the body. The calories of the food increase a lot, the nutritional value is lost. So if you want to lose weight, try to eat boiled. Only then the weight will be lost at a faster pace.