How To Startup Eraser Making Business

Eraser Making Business: Doing business is always beneficial, through business you can earn a good amount of money and also provide employment to people. Before starting any business, it is very important to have all the information related to that business so that you can make your business successful. 

In our previous article, we have told you about the business of making school uniforms  and the business of making black board chalk . Today we are going to give you information about the business of making eraser so that you can do this business successfully and become a successful businessman.

Eraser Making Business: Eraser is used a lot by children and its demand is also very high. This type of rubber is widely used by college students and also in many types of offices.

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Materials used in making eraser

Eraser Making Business: The primary thing that is most important in making erasers is rubber and two types of rubbers can be used in this business. One of which is natural rubber and the other is synthetic rubber . Petroleum products such as ethylene and styrene are used to make synthetic rubber. Natural rubber is obtained from latex extracted from rubber trees.

Rubber prices and where to buy rubber

Eraser Making Business: The prices of rubber do not remain the same, they keep changing. Therefore it is difficult to tell their exact price. You can buy rubber online or from any seller in your city. Below we have given you some links, in which numbers and information of sellers of natural rubber and synthetic rubber are given.

Information about other ingredients 

  • Organic Dyes 

Rubber is colored with the help of organic dyes. You must have seen erasers of many colors in the shop and these erasers are colored with the help of organic dyes.

Zinc oxide and titanium oxide are also a type of organic dyes, which are used to color rubber. If you want to make white colored rubber, you will need zinc oxide and titanium oxide. If you want to color your rubber red then you will need iron oxide.

  • Sulfur – _

Sulfur is called Gandhak in Hindi and it is also used to make erasers. The eraser is vulcanized with the help of sulphur. Vulcanized makes the eraser stronger and heat and sulfur are used to strengthen the eraser, making it more durable and resistant to heat.

Where to buy sulfur

You can buy sulfur from any chemical selling shop. search on google and find many shop.

  • Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil is also used to make erasers. Actually, by using it the eraser is softened and shaped. There are many types of vegetable oils available in the market whose price starts from Rs 100.

To make an eraser, you will also need materials like Abrasive, Lithophone and Factice. These chemicals are also used to make erasers.

Eraser Making Machine

Eraser Making Business: Automatic machines are used to make erasers and these machines are easily available. You can also buy eraser making machine online. If you want to buy these machines online then you will have to go to this link.

Machine Price

The price of the machine depends on what kind of machine you are buying, meaning if you buy a machine with the capacity to make more erasers, then it will cost you up to Rs 10 lakh. Whereas a machine with lower capacity will cost you a little cheaper.

Eraser manufacturing process

Eraser Making Business Before making an eraser, you have to decide whether you want to make an eraser from natural rubber or use synthetic rubber. There is no difference of any kind between these two types of rubbers. Therefore you can use any of these types of rubber.

Once you have decided which rubber you will use, you should buy that type of rubber. But when you buy synthetic rubber, you get it in the form of powder. Whereas natural rubber is not available in powder form. Therefore, first of all you have to make the natural rubber which comes in lumps into powder.

First of all you have to mix all the chemicals mentioned above in rubber powder. After mixing these ingredients well, you will have to melt these ingredients with the help of a machine. After melting this mixture will become slightly soft and solid. After which you will have to give this mixture the shape of an eraser with the help of a machine and your eraser will be ready.

How to pack eraser

After making erasers, the next most important task is packing them. Often erasers are packed in two types, in one type of packing the eraser is covered with polythene and in the other type of packing, it is covered with paper or cardboard. Out of these two types of packing, you will have to choose one type of packing for your rubber.

Apart from this, you will also need cardboard boxes to pack these erasers. You will have to get these cardboard boxes made from a box maker. Apart from this, if possible, write the name of your company on these boxes. Because by doing this your company will also be promoted.

Selection of Location

To establish this eraser business, you will need an area of ​​at least 600 to 1000 acres. The size of the space depends on what level you are starting this business. If you are starting this business with one machine, then you will not need to take a big space.

How much should you price your eraser? Price of Eraser:

  • The prices of erasers available in the market start from Re 1. Therefore, you should also keep the price of your eraser around the prices of erasers available in the market.
  • If possible, initially keep the price of your eraser lower than the prices of erasers available in the market. Because by doing this you can sell more of your eraser.
  • Once your business starts running well, you can increase the price of your erasers.

You can start more business with this business 

Eraser Making Business: Eraser is such a thing which is used in making many types of things. Therefore, if you want, after establishing your eraser business well, you can also start other rubber related businesses. For example, you can also manufacture those pencils which have eraser at the back. Apart from this, you can also start rubber stamp business.

Business Registration and License 

Even if you start your business on a small scale, it is still necessary to get your business enrolled. By enrolling your business, you get the benefits of many types of government schemes. After registering the company, the second most important task is to obtain a license for your business. There are many businesses which require a license and in the erasing eraser business also you need to get a license. You will get this license from the local authority of your state.

Promotion of your business 

At present, many companies are involved in making erasers in the market and the erasers of these companies are sold well. In such a situation, you will have to take help of promotion to compete with these companies.

With the help of promotion, your company will be publicized and people will be able to get information about your company's eraser. Due to which your eraser sales will increase.

How to Promote _  

  • Small Scale Marketing

You can also promote your eraser on a small scale, under small scale you can give information about your eraser in the local newspaper. Apart from this, if you want, you can give some samples of your eraser to the children in the schools of your city for free. So that children can get information about your company's erasers and children can buy your erasers from the market.

  • Large Scale Marketing

For large-scale promotion, you may have to spend a little more. To promote it on a large scale, you can advertise your company on TV channels. This method of promotion costs a lot of money. Therefore, you should adopt this method of promotion only when your business is well established.

Selection of people

To do eraser business you will have to hire some employees. If you are starting eraser business on a small scale then you will need 8 to 12 people. On a larger scale, this number will double. Try to hire people who have some understanding of this business.

Will have to take training

Before starting this business, take training on how an eraser is made and only then start this business. When you start this business, you will also have to provide training to your employees to operate the machine. So that they can do their work properly without any problem.

Eraser Making Business Start Up Costs

If you do eraser business on a small scale, you will need at least Rs 5 lakh to 8 lakh. To start eraser business on a large scale, you will need more than Rs 10 lakh.

You can also take loan

If you do not have money to start eraser business, you can also choose the option of loan. You can take loan from private or any government banks. If you take a loan from a private bank, you get the loan quickly but the loan interest rates of private banks are quite high. At the same time, it takes a lot of time to take a loan from a government bank. But the loan interest rates of government banks are much lower than those of private banks. Therefore, before taking the loan, you should decide from which bank you want to take the loan.

Conclusion- You should start Eraser Making Business only when you understand this business well. You may face some difficulties in starting this business. But if you work carefully then you can achieve a lot of success in this business.

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