Avoid seven types of exercise

Physical exercise (Physical exercise) or some rules of exercise have to be followed. Also, not all exercise is good for health. These side effects should also be known. This article contains seven types of exercise, which are best avoided for various reasons. The Times of India reported this in a report.exercise

'Spot reduction' exercise is done to reduce fat in a certain area. It is a favorite exercise of many people. It doesn't help much though. The reason for this is that it is undesirable to reduce the weight of any place without changing the whole body. So, instead of doing this exercise, you should do exercises that are suitable for weight loss.

2. Leg Extensions (Sitting)
Many gyms have an exercise called seated leg extensions. A very popular exercise for building Thai muscles is sitting in a seat and lifting weights upwards. But it puts severe stress on the knee joint. Besides, those who have problems with their knees may have increased problems. For this reason, experts advise to avoid the exercise.

3. Leg Press
Another dangerous exercise is the leg press. In this, you have to lie down on the slope and lift the weight upwards with your feet. It is said to build the back of the thighs, the top of the knees and the abdominal muscles. But this exercise has nothing to do with the muscles of these parts. Experts say to avoid this exercise mainly because of the excessive pressure on the lower part of the spine. Many experts say that it can cause injury to the lower part of the spine. Experts say to do body weight squats instead of this exercise.

4. Seated abduction
is another dangerous exercise similar to the leg press. A rubber band is tied to both knees and the legs are pulled in opposite directions. Although this exercise is said to be useful for very agile movements, in reality it is of no use. This causes excessive pressure on the spine. So experts advise to avoid this exercise.

5. Leg curls
Leg curls are also advised to be avoided by experts. For this exercise, you have to lie down on the bench with elbows. Then pull the weight up with both feet. The reason for avoiding this exercise is that it is not effective.

6. According to the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health guidelines , sit ups
should never exert more than 3400 newtons on a person's spine. But in the sit up exercise, about 3413 newtons of pressure is applied. This pressure can damage the spine. That's why experts say to avoid the sit up exercise.

7. Lat pulldown (behind the head)
This method of pulling the weight behind the head by sitting on the bench is a widely used exercise (Exercise). Many people find this exercise effective in increasing shoulder muscles. But if the exercise is not done perfectly, any kind of major back injury can occur. So it is better not to do it.

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