It is not right for cousins ​​and cousins ​​to marry, the reason should be known to all

It is not right for cousins ​​and cousins ​​to marry, the reason should be known to all. Marriage between close relatives i.e. cousins, maternal uncles, aunts and cousins ​​is not scientific. The children born as a result of this marriage have a high risk of birth defects. The Lancet; Scientists reported this information in a research article published in the journal.Brother and sister marriage

A study conducted among the population of Pakistani origin living in the city of Bradford, United Kingdom, showed that the rate of genetic abnormalities in children born through marriage between close relatives was 30 percent higher than that of normal children. These abnormalities can range from problems such as growth of extra fingers in newborns to a hole in the heart or defects in brain structure. Marriage of brothers and sisters, however, on the whole, the rate of such abnormality is very low.

The study was led by Eamon Sheridan, a lecturer at the University of Leeds. 13,500 children born between 2007 and 2011 were included in the study. The city of Bradford is home to a large proportion of South Asian immigrants.

There, 37 percent of the population of Pakistani origin establish a marital relationship between blood relatives. The study was led by Eamon Sheridan, a teacher at the University of Leeds. 13,500 children born between 2007 and 2011 were included in the study.

The city of Bradford is home to a large proportion of South Asian immigrants. Among the population of Pakistani origin, 37 percent marry between blood relatives. Experts say that marriage between blood relatives is prevalent in different parts of the world.

More than 100 million people around the world hold this culture. Each wife actually has four husbands. you are fourth Know this marriage secret Every wife actually has four husbands. The man whom the society knows as the husband of a girl is, according to Puranic rules, her fourth husband. But how is that possible? In today's India, women's freedom is not a place to be very proud of. Indian society undermines the freedom of women in various ways. But brother-sister marriage – in this India, women had considerable respect and independence.

According to the rules of ancient India, each wife actually had four husbands. The man whom society knows as a girl's husband is, according to Puranic rules, her fourth husband. But how is that possible? Mention of four husbands of one woman is found in Hindu wedding mantras.

Among those who get married religiously following traditional customs today, people who understand the true meaning of marriage mantras are rare. As a result, they do not even know what is being said in the mantra pronounced at the time of marriage. According to the mantras chanted at the time of marriage, a woman should be given to her mortal husband for three

is offered to the deity or Gandharva. The daughter sitting on the marriage seat is first offered to the hand of Chandra. After that he was entrusted to a Gandharva named Vibhavasu. Then the marriage of the girl was entrusted to Agni.

At the very end, the man sitting in the groom's seat is announced as the girl's husband. That is, according to Vedic rules, a man who is known as a woman's husband in the society, is actually her fourth husband.

There was talk of women taking multiple husbands. Kunti is heard to say at one place that in earlier days girls could choose any man of their choice as her partner. Later this right of women was curtailed. New rules of marriage are introduced in the society. Svetketu plays one of the most important roles in the implementation of this rule. According to the myth, one day Shvetketu saw his mother in a close relationship with a stranger.

Then the question arises in his mind, then the man whom I know as my father, is he my real father? He thinks that it is preferable for a woman not to have more than one male partner. He declared polygamy of women to be forbidden. From time to time, patriarchal society imposed rights on women. A woman virtually becomes her husband's property. But still the marriage mantra mentions four husbands of women.

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