Know 11 ways to reduce sexual weakness

Know 11 ways to reduce sexual weakness. Once upon a time, bedroom problems were confined to the bedroom. Nowadays, due to drug trade, medical advances and expert research, sexual problem has become an open topic. Erectile dysfunction or problems with erection of the penis or sexual impotence leads to turmoil in marital life - which may result in divorce. Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age and many men with this problem who receive treatment return to normal sexual function.sexual weakness

Erectile dysfunction is defined as erectile dysfunction by doctors. This problem is more common than people think. Its prevalence is higher in the elderly. According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, 5 percent of men by age 40 experience erectile dysfunction, compared to 15 to 25 percent of men by age 65.

Men may also experience irregular erectile dysfunction. "If men tell you the truth, you know they've had erectile dysfunction at least once in their lives," says Neil Baum, an associate professor at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans and a staff urologist at Touro Infirmary. He said, 'Every intercourse is not perfect. Erectile dysfunction destroys the pleasure of intercourse.' He adds, 'A man's sexual power can decline with age.'

Until the early 1970s, experts believed that mental deterioration was the main cause of erectile dysfunction. The medical community now recognizes that drugs, lifestyle or injury are the cause of most erectile dysfunction. This report highlights the advice given by experts to eliminate erectile dysfunction.

1 * Give yourself time
"As a man gets older, it can take a long time for him to get excited enough to get an erection," Baum says. He says, 'Penis erection takes seconds for men aged 18 to 20 and a minute or two for men in their thirties and forties. But just because a man in his sixties doesn't get an erection after a minute or two doesn't mean he's incapable of sex. It may take a long time.' The length of time it takes for the penis to become erect again after ejaculation varies with age. For men in their 60s and 70s, it may take a day or more for the penis to re-grow. Dr. in this context. "It's a natural effect of aging," Baum said.

2 * Consider your medications
Prescription or over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines, diuretics, heart medications, high blood pressure medications, or sleeping pills may be the main cause of erectile dysfunction. Not all men react the same to these drugs. Dr. "Drug-induced erectile dysfunction is most common in men over fifty," Baum says. About 100 drugs have been identified that can cause erectile dysfunction.' If you suspect that your medication is causing the problem, talk to your doctor and find out if the dosage or medication needs to be changed.

3 * Limit alcohol
Shakespeare was right in Macbeth – alcohol stimulates sexual desire, but robs performance. This happens because alcohol is a nervous system depressant. It inhibits the excitatory response and causes the opposite state of arousal. Even two drinks during cocktail hour can cause anxiety. Over time, too much alcohol can cause hormonal imbalances. Dr. "Long-term alcohol can cause nerve and liver damage," Baum said. Liver damage causes excessive secretion of female hormones in men. Without testosterone and other hormones in the right ratio, your penis will not grow normally.

4 * Take care of arteries,
says Irwin Goldstein, clinical professor of surgery at the University of California, San Diego, and director of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital, "The penis is a vascular organ." Blockages in your arteries can also impede blood flow to the penis. Dr. "All men over 38 experience some narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the penis," says Goldstein. So pay attention to what you eat. Dr. "One of the main causes of erectile dysfunction is high cholesterol," says Goldstein. It damages the erectile tissue.'

5 * Do not smoke
Dr. "Research has shown that nicotine can be a vasoconstrictor," Baum said. In a study at the University of Texas, researchers divided non-smokers into two groups - one group was told to chew nicotine gum and the other group was told to chew placebo gum. Men who chewed nicotine gum experienced a 23 percent decrease in sexual arousal compared to men who chewed placebo gum.

6 * Lose weight
Studies have shown that obese men are more prone to erectile dysfunction. If you're 20 percent heavier than your ideal weight, consider losing a few pounds. You can join karate or any weight training program. A fit body not only reduces the problem of erectile dysfunction but also boosts confidence. Dr. "The better a man feels physically, the more sexually fit he feels," says Goldstein.

7 * Have more intercourse
A five-year study of 1,000 Finnish men aged 55 to 75 found that erectile dysfunction problems were twice as likely among men who had sex once a week as those who never had sex once a week. Researchers concluded that regular intercourse protects men from erectile dysfunction.

8 * Stay relaxed
Keeping the mind relaxed is important for penis erection. Why? Your nervous system operates in two modes: one is the sympathetic nervous system and the other is the parasympathetic nervous system. When your sympathetic nerve network takes over, your body is literally on alert. Adrenal hormones prepare you for fight or flight. Nervous weakness and anxiety draw blood from your digestive system and penis to the muscles, thereby inhibiting penis erection. Dr. "Anxiety stimulates your sympathetic nervous system," says Baum. Some men are so overwhelmed by the fear of failure that their bodies release large amounts of the adrenal hormone norepinephrine. Which causes the opposite reaction of penis erection. Stay relaxed and keep your parasympathetic nervous system under control to prevent erectile dysfunction. Signals arriving through this network will direct the penile arteries and sinuses to increase blood flow.

9 * Avoid body stimulants
You can avoid body stimulants or body strengthening foods, such as caffeine-rich coffee. These foods can cause erectile dysfunction. Dr. "It's important to be relaxed during sex," says Goldstein. Stimulants contract the muscles, but the muscles must be relaxed before the penis can be erect.'

10 * Play foreplay
One way to relax is to foreplay in different positions, focusing on your partner. Enjoy each other without thinking about whether the penis is growing. Dr. "The skin is the body's largest sexual organ, not the penis," says Goldstein.

11 * Eat more watermelon
Red and juicy watermelon can be the new romantic food. Researchers at the Texas A&M Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center in College Station, Texas, discovered that phytonutrients in watermelon can cause Viagra-like effects. This juicy fruit contains citrulline, which relaxes the body's blood vessels—benefiting your heart, circulatory system, and immune system.

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