6 Reasons Why Men Want To Be Single

6 Reasons Why Men Want To Be Single Relationship is something that if not involved a person suffers from loneliness. Those who have nobody in their lives live a kind of lifeless life. And those who have love in their lives, due to various inconsistencies, reluctance works towards them.the men

Many of us strive to build relationships. Many people stay away from the relationship thinking that freedom will be taken away. Especially in the life of a man these things work more. Their ideas or thoughts about relationships are different from time to time. Many men want to be alone in life.

American professor and psychologist Lisa Firestone has long conducted a study on how relationships work between men. His study, published in the journal 'Evolutionary Psychological Science', showed that there are a total of six reasons for variation in relationships in men's lives. That's why they want to be alone.

By conducting a survey on social media and collecting the opinions of more than 20,000 'single' men, the American professor found out these six reasons for wanting to be alone. These are-

1. Lack of confidence: Lack of confidence is a big obstacle in getting a relationship with a man. So they want to be alone.

2) Moving forward in the relationship: Many people have said that they don't want to worry too much about moving the relationship forward.

3) Broken Relationships: Many have cited their broken relationships as the reason and also said that they can no longer trust women.

4) Height, color: More than 660 participants in the survey answered - They want to be alone because they are not good looking.

5) Desire: Many people have said that they have no desire to build a relationship.

6) Inertia: The most important reason, many men cannot 'flirt' at all. They are very introverted and shy. So he feels inertia in talking to girls. So they prefer to be alone.

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