10 Things Happy Couples Do Before Going To Bed

Happy Couples - It is important to spend some time with your partner before going to sleep. Be it a few hours or a few minutes. Having fun, talking and showing love to each other is enough to bring happiness in married life. Psychologists have given some advice to make your married life happy which you will know from this article. There is a special bonus at the end.Happy couples

1. Put the phone away.
Spending too much time on social media reduces the release of the hormone oxytocin, which is essential for emotions and bonding. Psychotherapist Coral Carey advises: Turn off your phone shortly after 9pm and keep it out of reach.

2. Forget about work
Put work thoughts away from your head and stop the habit of checking email while lying in bed. It is better to spend some time in yourself, the positive results of which you will feel the next day. Talking in bed helps couples bond and take their minds off everyday problems. As a result, you will feel relaxed mentally. Do not talk about work, economic problems or anything else that will scare your partner.

3. Go to bed at the same time as your partner
Many couples are so busy that they don't even have time to look at each other throughout the day and go to bed at different times. According to psychologist Kurt Smith, happy couples brush their teeth together after eating and go to bed at the same time. This fact strengthens the bond of their married life and increases their intimacy.

4. Stick to a routine.
The habit of going to bed at the same time every day will eliminate your sleep problems. By following the same routine over and over again, your brain will receive sleep cues and prepare your body for sleep. If you follow this same routine with your partner then your relationship will deepen and trust in each other will increase.

5. Have a heart-to-heart talk.
Be attentive to each other's feelings. You don't have to give advice or find solutions to problems. Psychologist Ryan Howes suggests expressing love to each other before going to bed. It will make you happy for the next day. As a result, there will be positive changes in your lifestyle. Try to forget what happened all day, and leave all your problems and thoughts outside the bedroom door. When you speak from the heart it is important to say it seriously and with focus.

6. Avoid Arguments and Misbehavior
Curt Smith reminds you to never argue before going to bed. Quarrel never leads to solution. When you go to sleep angry with him, you will not get sleep and the next day will be very bad.

7. Arrange for children to sleep in separate rooms
According to psychologist Michael Wiener-Davies, if your child is afraid of sleeping alone, seeing nightmares (nightmare), only sleep with him. And other times keep the bedroom to yourself. We have to give this concession to maintain our love and good relationship.

8. Don't take pets to bed
A Kansas University study found that 63% of those who sleep with pets in bed can't sleep well. Pets cannot sleep through the night and disturb your sleep. And besides, the presence of pets in the bedroom breaks 'The Rule of Two'.

9. Avoid smoking and drinking in the bedroom
Many couples smoke and drink in the bedroom. Especially the male partner. It pollutes the environment of the house, and creates a bad smell in the mouth. As a result, the desire to be close to each other decreases. They are also responsible for insomnia. So never smoke or drink in the bedroom.

10. Massage each other
The National Sleep Foundation confirms that a little massage before bed can improve your sleep quality. It also removes fear, inertia and allows couples to become closer.

If you suffer from insomnia, a few lifestyle changes can help you get rid of the problem.

1. Do not eat coffee after noon.

2. Wake up early in the morning.

3. Do not eat anything before going to bed.

4. Buy a nice and comfortable bed.

5. Don't oversleep on the day off.

6. Provide fresh air in the bedroom.

7. Take a bath in warm water with turmeric before going to bed.

8. Keep all kinds of gadgets outside the bed room.

9. Do not do any work after 9 pm.

10. Do not drink excess water before sleeping.

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