home remedies to avoid heat stroke during fasting

Many people get heat stroke in extreme heat. Heat stroke is basically a complication caused by an increase in body temperature. In this case, the body becomes waterless at once. Dehydration may occur in the body due to fasting in hot weather. And for this reason, when heat stroke can happen! 

Those who work long hours in the sun; Just as they can have heat stroke, so can the elderly and children. Apart from this, there is a possibility of heat stroke in the heat due to dehydration and various drugs in the body.Heat stroke

Symptoms of heat stroke
in this case may first be heat cramps. This results in muscle pain, body feels weak and always thirsty. Later, rapid breathing, headache, dizziness, nausea, incoherent behavior etc. occur. Apart from this, body heat increases and profuse sweating. If these symptoms appear in advance of heat stroke, experts advise to take quick action. Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature quickly exceeds 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Sweat stops.

The skin becomes dry and red. Even breathing becomes faster and the pulse slows or quickens. Blood pressure decreases. Seizures, dizziness, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, incoherence, etc. The patient may even faint. So heat stroke should be prevented before it occurs. Heat stroke proneness can be avoided by home remedies. For this it is necessary to eat some nutritious food. Know which foods will save you from heat stroke in summer-

Buttermilk: Now that it is the month of fasting, and iftar (Iftar) cold drinks must be kept! So you can keep butter milk in Iftar. As it will cool you; It will also give nutrition to the body. Buttermilk contains probiotics, protein and vitamins. Which will help bring your country's temperature back to normal.

Onion juice: According to Ayurveda, drinking onion juice mixed with a little honey after returning home from outside has many benefits. It reduces body temperature. Also, the risk of heat stroke will also decrease. In the past, many people used to keep onions in their pockets to avoid heat stroke.

Tamarind juice: Tamarind is very useful for reducing heat. Tamarind provides essential nutrients to the body and helps in reducing dehydration. For this, boil some tamarind in water and drink jaggery. It will reduce the risk of heat stroke. The body will also be cold in summer.

Mango juice: Raw mangoes are now readily available in the market. Almost everyone likes to eat raw mango juice. Raw mangoes are rich in vitamin C. Which increases the immune system of the body. The nutritional value of raw mango also protects against heat stroke in summer. Raw mango helps reduce body heat. This healthy drink also relieves frustration. It also prevents diarrhea.

Chatur Sherbat: Chatur provides energy to the body. It is also good for diabetic patients. Since its glycemic index is low, the amount of glucose in the blood is also under control. Eating chhatu also fulfills the needs of minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc. Chattu prevents heat stroke and improves stomach health. Eating chuttu in summer cools the body and removes dehydration.

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