The Wonder of The Subway Naples Spain

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Subway travel is really comfortable. However, there are instances when the subway is worth visiting. The arrangement with some such subway as of now.

The Art Station is the name given to Toledo, a train station in Naples, Spain. In 2012, this station opened. This station is situated around 130 feet below the surface. The ceiling features a beautiful circular mosaic of purple and blue colors, just above the point where the underground escalator finishes at the surface. Everything about it is a contrived fabrication. To view this peculiar artwork, travel to Spain.

There's another stunning metro station in war-torn Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine. It's called Vorota Zoloti. The station is situated 96.5 meters below the surface. Many chandeliers adorn the station's interior. Perched on a hill is the station's entrance.

The Uzbekistan Line station of the Tashkent Metro is called Alisher Navoi. It is among the world's most exquisite metro stations. There is an above-ground portion to an underground metro station. The Swedish metro station Radhuset is situated in Stockholm. This subway system resembles a set from a science fiction film. It now has an amazing appearance thanks to the vibrantly colored, uneven stones and tiles.

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