Nowadays, whenever you go to the doctor for any reason, the doctor also gives you a urine test along with many other tests. This is not unnecessary, but rather very important. Because various changes or diseases in your body are detected through your urine test. And you yourself can know the early signs of many diseases at home.
How? By looking at the color of your urine. Check the color of your urine to see what kind of health risks you are at.
1. Clear/White: – If your urine is clear or white like water, then you are considered healthy. There is no dehydration in the body. So, it goes without saying that the amount of water you are drinking is helping to maintain your good health!
2. Light yellow: This is not that risky. However, you need to drink a little more water every day to flush out toxins from your body.
3. Dark yellow: This means your body is not getting enough water. You need to drink enough water quickly to prevent dehydration.
4. Brown or dark brown: - If the color of your urine is brown or dark brown, then you may be suffering from liver disease. Or extreme dehydration can also be another reason for this. See a doctor immediately.
5. Pink or reddish: - If you have not eaten fruits like jam or beetroot recently, then you should understand that there is blood in your urine. There can be various reasons for this. For example, kidney problems, urinary tract infection, tumor or prostate problems.
6. Foamy urine: Foamy urine is usually caused by kidney problems. If it is regular, then consult a doctor. You can basically understand the water balance of your body by looking at the color of urine. However, if you see anything unusual in it, then do not neglect it and consult a doctor.